Mar 07, 2007 09:09

Daycare just called and Ava needs to go to the ped because her eyes were running. Personally, I am positive they aren't infected, they are just running because she has a cold (which I suspected was happening due to her night wakenings recently). Anyhoo -- I called Phil and it's his turn! And he is taking her! Holy crap! Of course, it snowing like crazy outside and Phil is sliding all over the place...I swear, this damn daycare and their "policies". Their damn policies have not kept my child healthy, so what good are they? Ugh. If they get into an accident today bc they made him take her out...well, I will make them all hopefully question the next time they force a child out of the center on a crappy weather day because their eyes are running with water.

Keep your fingers crossed her eyes are not infected and that she and Phil make it safely to where they need to go today!

ava's sick

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