(no subject)

Sep 09, 2008 08:58

Please allow me to vent about my coworkers this morning before I quit.

I walked in this morning and I don’t think the woman (the queen bee) that sits next to me realized I was here. She was going on and on about how “some” people don’t know what its like to work a 40 hour work week, let alone how long she is here.

1. She’s here at 7am because she evidently has no life. No on here is required to be here at 7am. 8am is our start up time, and I sit here ½ of our office isn’t in yet either. They all stay later and come in later.
2. She’s forever complaining about how much work she has and how she has to be here so long to get stuff done. This is the same person that takes around 4-5 20 minute long smoke breaks during the day and also spends quite a bit of time talking on the phone taking personal calls all day. In fact - she complained to my boss at the end of the year last year that I was taking calls during the day for my other job. This was true, but I was never on very long, and generally personal calls are accepted around here. My boss asked that I not take those calls anymore, and I said that was fair, and they would stop. Well - then she was asked to work for a local group that takes care of the camping site at Jamboree in the Hills (big country music festival), and she was on the phone every.single.day taking calls for it. Hypocrite much?

So she says on the phone before she realizes I am here that if she has to go to Bob (CEO) she will, because he is so busy, he doesn’t know everything that is going on around here. Isn’t that insane?! So she feels like its her mission here to tattle on everyone else, but yet, is never the one subject to her own “rules”.

Then to make matters worse, the lady that sits on the other side of me is 57 years old and I know more about this woman’s sex life than I ever care to. She talked about it regularly. And then last week some young woman was parked in her paid parking space. The woman didn’t realize it was a paid lot and before she could get a word in edgewise, crazy bitch told her that if she didn’t move she would pull her through the car window and knock her block off. This woman was 4 months pregnant!! So then the woman’s husband tells her to back off and she yells at him, and this of course drives him to start dropping the f-bomb multiple times. Well, when she was relaying this story to us in the office, she also used the full f-bomb about 16 times, quite loudly in the office. TOTALLY inappropriate. The other day I walked in and this same person was talking about one of our accounting managers at another office (her name is Beth and she is a very sweet person that I have grown into friends with) saying “It’s all in who you know, and who you blow”. OUT LOUD! Of course, they always shut up when I walk into the room, but for real!?!?! I am just SO over it. I went to my boss finally last week and he basically didn’t do much of anything. So I am feeling like I need to mention it to HR too…I have been asking for my desk to be moved for almost a year now, and was told that a plan was in the works. There is an open space in this office for a shift to happen, but they keep hem hawing around about making a decision. Not to mention the fact that the other side of our floor is full of the big nice executive looking office spaces, and the side I am on is full of the older oak - not so formal - furniture. The women are all put up here and the men are all down there. Coincidence??? Maybe if I were an AP clerk or bookkeeper I wouldn’t mind being up here - but I am by fair the highest paid person in my little nook up here…so why am I not down with the other executive level personnel? Is it because I am a woman??? How else do you explain it! Not to mention that last week crazy lady got all mad at me because I didn’t help her sort the mail….ummm…the last time I checked - I wasn’t responsible for sorting the mail! But hey - if that is how you want me to put my Master’s degree to work for my salary, I will sort mail all day long. But goes to show you that where they have put me makes them think that I must be on their level.

I think another thing I might mention to HR is that I don’t feel comfortable with my personal information being at the disposal of the woman in the first part of this rant. She is our payroll clerk, so she has control of a ton of personal information of mine. If a person is so damn flippant about talking about me to whomever on the phone, how do I know that I can trust her with my personal information? She obviously has a problem with me. I don’t like the fact that she has access to that stuff. Maybe I am paranoid, but someone so openly dishonest behind your back isn’t who I would trust with my personal data.

So do I talk to HR? Mind you - talking to HR would certainly get straight back to my boss…..

work bitches

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