Baby girl, it is amazing to me all of the changes that have happened even just in the last few weeks! You are still trying to sit up on your own. You have it down for a little bit, but you are not very steady yet. I think you have decided that crawling is for the weak, because you seem pretty happy just rolling to where you need to go! We really think you are teething in full force now because you have started biting everyone and anything you can get your hands on. You even bit your grandma last night! You are thoroughly enjoying Zwiebeck toast, and you like your sweet potato puffs. You also love most solids that we put in front of you, although you aren't a fan of peas! When mommy and daddy try to eat dinner, you open your mouth and whine like you want what we are eating. All too soon, you will get to eat that too. We just got back from vacation and you were so good on the plane. We always have people come up to us and tell us what a charming and sweet little girl you are. You are smiling all the time and you make anyone who meets you fall in love with you! You are truly a special little girl! Your daddy and I think that you might learn to talk before you ever crawl. You babble all the time now and you have been saying mama off and on since last month. You also said dadada for the first time last night. It made your daddy so happy to hear that!!! You have also started really imitating me, and you will say "Oh" when you get really interested or excited about something. Your favorite toys of the moment are your jumperoo and your betty butterfly. You also recently acquired a stuffed Tiger named Cubby when we went to the Zoo in San Antonio. You were so excited about that Tiger and laughed everytime it came near us! We think maybe it reminded you of the kitties!
You have been much healthier in the past month, although we are still having to give you breathing treatments twice a day. You are a trooper though and like to try and help us by putting your mouth on tubing! You can even blow on it so hard you push the cotton out the other end! Mommy thinks your lungs have healed up just fine!
Well, I will end this note. I want you to know how very much your daddy and I love you. You are my entire world baby girl, and I don't know what I ever did before you arrived. You bring us so much joy everyday. Happy 7th Monthiversary!!!!!!!!!