Memorial Day

Oct 22, 2010 23:32

Author's Notes:
Fandom Young Avengers.  No beta reader.  No warnings needed.
For some reason I've been thinking about Vision lately, *shrugs* so this came about.  I hope you enjoy it or tell me why you didn't/what I did wrong.
Summery: What gives someone the right to miss someone?

Memorial DayThis day is uncomfortable for Jonas, in the sense of separation and unity from the TEAM in a way that is and is not justified.  It is not an intentional event that happens, but none the less does.  After paying their respects to the heroes lost to war, the TEAM then pays their respects to the super heroes lost to super villains at the Avengers’ Mansion.  But after that comes the separation of the founders from the rest of us.  It is not done in a manner to exclude us from them, but we cannot mourn someone we did not know.  We did not know Nate as they knew him.  We did not know Nate enough to remember and miss him. 
I feel a sense of comradely with Kate, Cassie, and Tommy in not being part of the original TEAM.  Because no matter how much Kate would like to argue that we are, we are missing over a year of practices, over a year of bonding, over a year of quite heroics that the founders had together.  There are in-jokes we don’t know, memories we don’t share, natural feeling of teamwork we don’t have.  All this is acknowledged in an unsaid line of separation of them and us in the few moments like these.  The TEAM dynamic doesn’t suffer from the few times the line in sand is made, for it is       soon washed away with the tide.  To bring it up would be petty.
And while I’m glad that they see me as different him, that they take time to lament the loss of their Iron Lad who now only exists in memories, I am also hurt.  For even through I am not him, I still remember my memories as Nate.  I remember the seriousness Eli took with becoming Patriot when he joined the TEAM; the persistence of his questions, the strength of his character to be a hero, the dependability of his ability to come up with a solution to any given problem.  I remember the reverence Billy took to becoming an Avenger; his fanboy exposition on any topic regarding his heroes, the sheer joy in finding his cape, his muses into the wee hours of the morning on what it means to be a hero.  I remember the effortlessness Teddy took into turning four individuals into becoming a TEAM; the way his manner of being would ease TEAM tensions, his seemingly ridiculous team building exercises bound us closer, his silent ability to know and do what needed to be  done for any one of us.  I still retain the information of us as a TEAM even though it was never me that did any of those things, shared in the making of those experiences.
So I wait with the others while they grieve over the first casualty of the Young Avengers, while they commemorate a brother.

fic young avangers, happy holidays

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