Title: Just Rory
philote_auctorFandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Rory, Amy, Eleven and the Tardis
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~5100
Disclaimer: The characters and situations of Doctor Who do not belong to me. I make no money from this story. Please don’t sue.
Warnings: Spoilers through “The Doctor’s Wife.”
Author’s Notes: Written for
ariadnes_string’s Running Hot
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Comments 42
"That was the worst line I’ve ever heard. And I’ve had a Raxacoricofallapatorian try to pick me up." (which needs to be a fic all its own), and
"I’m only comfortable in the bow tie." (because we all know where everyone's mind just went). But then there was
He’s got a 900-year-old Time Lord cuddling up to him like a little boy afraid of the dark, and I thought I might want to cry a little, because that's the Doctor exactly.
Aah, poor Rory. I hope he's an appropriately awful patient for them. XD
I agree! I think Eleven has such a little boy-ishness about him, but he's still the Doctor with his knowledge and his past and his demons.
I'm glad the humor worked for you. And yes, Rory should be difficult for them, but somehow I see him as a good patient. ;) Though he does have hidden depths, our Rory...hmm...
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I just want to snuggle everyone, especially the helpful Tardis. Very cool. Very cool indeed.
I caught a few typos -- couching instead of coughing, trey instead of tray -- but otherwise, this is brilliant. Very well done!
I want to quote bits, but there were so many lines that made me laugh I'd be here all day! Okay, maybe just one quote...
The Doctor squints at the ceiling. “Are there pterodactyls in here?”
And Rory actually follows his gaze to check, because you never know when it comes to the Doctor. “No, no pterodactyls. You’re safe.”
“Pity,” the Doctor murmurs as Rory looks him over, contemplating his options. “Pterodactyls are cool.”
This bit made me giggle so much. I can just picture it!
Yey for group snuggles at the end. Although poor Rory...
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