A Movie Review

Jun 09, 2005 00:10

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Well, today I saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with Justine and Jeremy, and it was interestingly not what I had expected.  I fail to comprehend why the Warner Brother's marketing department chose to advertise it as a chick flick by its title, trailers and other associated publicity, because it certainly doesn't fit that definition.  Are the lead roles all female?  Yes.  Does that make it a chick flick in my mind?  No.  Traditionally I guess, a "chick flick" revolves around the idyllic love story that rocketing away from being down to earth.  This firlm, though, is all about life, to be blunt it acknowledged that, as they say, "life is a bitch".

Initially, as we were driving back I had decided that the fact it had that element in it was what made my like it, as some of the struggles of the characters in the film were similar to my own.  But I also had nagging problems, that how was it possible for these people to achieve any sort of denoument or healing without acknowledgement of the Divine.  Maybe, I thought, Hollywood managed to shove their worldview down my throat and I just didn't realize it.  But, in reality the themes of the film were very Christian.  To quote Philip Yancey, the essential truths of the New Testament boil down to, "The world is good.  The world is fallen.  The world can be redeemed."  Here are the essentials of Christian faith, here is a film that presents those same truths through the eyes of an average human.

Justine thought it was too sappy, Jeremy and I liked it.  Pretty good for a film the guys had decided in advance was a chick flick.
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