Apr 11, 2008 21:43
more monks, of course. once again a real koan, although slightly adapted. for the rest of this sometime-silliness-House AU, click on the 'monastery au' tag...
It was a windy day in the mountains: there was snow on the breeze, Jing thought. It was probably best to get the wet clothing inside before it turned cold.
"Rou," he asked, "would you please help me with the washing? I'd like to get it inside, before it snows."
Rou was startled at Jing's politeness - after a month he had become accustomed to the brusque nature of his teacher - but nodded and set aside the materials he had been sorting for Guang.
"Do you think the wind is moving, or the clothes?" he asked Jing as they carefully took the robes down from the drying line.
Jing gave this a moment's thought. "I think the clothes are moving."
Rou shook his head in quiet determination. "I think the wind is moving."
"I think your minds are moving." Guang replied from his meditative pose on the balcony. "Although I am not sure about Rou. His mind is small and probably too sickly to do so."
monastery au