i'm hoping to actually get to a point where i'm not doing these every two months again. also writing more would be good.
hannahrorlove is right, it will make a nice counterpoint to the math. and i also want to feel like i'm here again, instead of ... idk, absent. in my head as opposed to avoiding being in my head. the latter is a bad habit to get into if you leave it too long.
anyway, i have technically-three stories, but two of them are in the same post. but i did manage to write in an entirely new fandom, so i say that counts for something.
two house things: one PG, one R-ish. from that ficlet-meme that went around a while ago. I'll get to all of them eventually, but these are the first two. they're not strictly speaking entirely House fandom, they're kind of a House/Torchwood crossover, but it's all House/Wilson interaction, just Torchwood for setting/current-backstory. It explains it at the link. I'm rather proud of them, especially the second one (which is smutty and not-worksafe) considering I haven't written House in a while. (i have my own issues with some of the directions that the show itself is going, which i will spare you all, because i'm nice like that.)
ANYWAY. short version of my blah blah blah: it's okay to read even if you're not especially torchwood-familiiar, it explains itself. and you should read
gizmometer's fics too (there's a link to them on that post), because the AU is her doing, she only let me borrow the playset for a while. and she's awesome. so.
the happiest days of our lives first proper Whoniverse fic, featuring the Master as we have just recently seen him in the End of Time, the Eleventh Doctor, and how they accidentally run into each other AND their equivalent-to-teenage-in-Timelord-years selves. And of course now that I've posted it I can see a dozen places I could have made better, BUT it's not bad at all, it's a kind of fluffy crack thing. PG-13 or thereabouts. I'm awful at rating things, really.
NOW i am going to have ice cream. mm. yes. and am hoping to write something soon, but that'll be in next month's roundup.