Allow me to explain why this group is so frightening... it wasn't just that they were preaching to and using children fairly exclusively for their agenda. They were berating them into tears "for God". A large woman who claimed to be interested in each child individually but only asked if they were christian stood at the front of the Camp she ran and told this group of 5 to 11 year old children that they were hypocrites and phonies as they cried (some sobbing uncontrollably). That isn't Christianity... that's abuse
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And unfortunately, I SAY AGAIN, IT SUCKS that this is the face that gets slapped onto Christianity when there are thousands of actual people who practice something that I would consider closer to the heart of what Christ was trying to get at in the first place instead of perverting it for their own agenda or as a vent for their own twisted pain. Extremists are noisy and misled. I think it's ok to be scared of them, hell I'm scared of them. However, I don't know if you should base your judgements on Christian morality as shown in a documentary about extremists
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No, I definitely recognize that these are extremists and not the majority if Christians. But they're gaining influence, and who knows whether or not they could become the majority in the VERY near future. It seems insane that they would be that greatly supported, but then again, it's just insane that groups like this started in the first place.
yeah... I was raised southern baptist, and I went to camps that were like that, only thankfully a little less so. Most of the time it was all fun and some bible stories, but I remember the one kid who wasn't saved and refused to commit to being baptised on the spot. He was picked at, then tormented, and ultimately ostracized for the entire stay at the camp. I watched a lot of the really conservative kids from our high school come to blindly accept the word of the bible as complete and unquestionable truth. When I was little, and I actually believed all the shit that was being preached at me, I used to cry for those kids, because on the one hand they were crying in church when they were told jesus died for them, and they were swearing to be good christians and help their fellow man, but on the other almost every other day of the week they were determined to make my life a living hell, and I was even supposed to be one of them, I was just a little weird. They were even more cruel to people who weren't one of them. I don't think Ashley F
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