Title: Haunts
phobiaplague Chapters: 1/??
Genre: Comedy/Thriller/Suspense/Drama
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-R
Summary: Toshiro works as a spirit medium, and is paid rather handsomely. However, when Rune shows up, his troubles are only just beginning, and things in the spirit world turn out to not always be quite as black and white as he first thought.
Candle flickers. )
Comments 2
God, Shiro is SUCH a bastard. I thought he liked the old woman well enough but then he turned all snarky as soon as her back was turned. Hilarious.
RuneRune sounds cool~. 8D Like he's oh so high classed but he looks cool. >D Lol, oh, snarky snarky Shiro, I love him so~.
The next chapter! I am gleeful about. :3
That is a very good thing! I was wondering if you'd get kicked off or not before you could.
He isn't so much a bastard as he's tired and snarky. :3 But yes, he does have his bastard moments. Eh, he kinda likes her, but he's not crazy about her.
Rune does, doesn't he? I know, right? xD Shiro will have his hands full. Good.
It shall be up Sunday, with any luck. :3
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