Boyfriend woke up this morning with a sore throat, fever and a stomach ache. Being the manly man that he is, the first thing he did was call me. The poor guy was in tears because he was so miserable and kept saying that all he wanted was for me to be there with him. That just completely broke my heart. What am I supposed to do? Even if I could just up and leave, it would still take me at least six hours to get to Berlin. Of course I would like nothing more than to be there for him, but it's just not possible :(
He was getting worse as the day progressed and I couldn't really talk to him on the phone because he spent most of the afternoon throwing up. Last time I checked up on him he was semi-conscious, but had at least managed to take some paracetamol and water and managed to keep it down.
I really hope he's feeling better tomorrow, because I hate feeling so useless. It's so hard hearing him suffer over the phone and not being able to be there for him. Just to hug him and be near him. I hate this, and it's making me really, really homesick.
I think I'm just going to call it a day and go to bed :/