I forgot about this meme ^^;
1. Comment with a mysterious comment of your choice.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each.
And Dreams of Paprika gave me a C ... A letter I didn't realise would be insanely difficult until I started trying to think of Characters...
1. Cuatro Espada Ulquiorra from Bleach (Cheating with this one, but I don't care)
Ulquiorra ... I feel his story is incomplete, and I really wish he hadn't ashed away the way that he had. He was/is a really interesting Character, and I just feel like there's so much more we have to learn about him ... And the fact that he's me favourite Bleach character has nothing to do with that feeling...
2. Chizuru from Kimi Ni Todoke.
Chizu ... ... Mmmm. I dont really have many thoughts on Chizu. I adore her, but she needs to get her shit together and realise the way she feels for Ryu isn't platonic or ... Something. I love that she's clueless though ... I don't know, it's complicated? She makes me laugh like crazy though, and there are often times where I just sit there going "Nyaaaaw. Chizu <3" .... *shrug*
3. Calcifer from Howls Moving Castle.
4. Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Ffffffff *p* I watch the series entirely for him you know. Captain Jack Sparrow gives Epic a new name. He's just so "OMGWTF" and made of win.
A - possibly unpopular - opinion of mine though is that he seriously cannot have a love interest. It would ruin his character. Oh, sure, he had UST with Elizabeth Swan. But that was "Want" not "Love". He can have UST with characters ... But ... I just cannot see him having an actual Love interest, you know? I can't see Jack Sparrow as the kind to actually want to settle down with anyone, and I'm really worried that's what Penelope Cruz's character in the new Pirates movie will be just that. I can understand him having an unavoidable attraction to someone, but ... Falling in love with them? I don't know. I've always envisioned him to be a lone wolf. To tie him down in any way would be ... Wrong. It'd be like taking his hat from him and saying "You're no longer a pirate. You can no longer go on adventures. You're stuck here, on land, and we fully expect you to find yourself a day-to-day job" Can you imagine it? Cause I certainly can't. /rant
5. Clone!Syaoran from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.
I almost think this guy was the most Tragic character I've ever come across. He just ... He has to start all over with the one he loves because she loses her damn memories, and then he loses his memories/emotions/everything, kills the one he loves - who bursts into petals just before she could finish telling him that she loves him and all because some fuck wants to bring someone back to life. ASDFGH!! TT^TT