The shag, marry, cliff meme.
1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 fictional people
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.
mblfree gave me the choice of Howl, Kakashi, or Matsumoto (Truly evil choices if you ask me)
So, here we go ...
Shag: Kakashi-sensei
... Although ... I reckon he'd be supremely kinky with all the Icha Icha Paradise he reads...
Marry: Howl
For two reasons: First of all, I'm sure living with Howl would be an absolute adventure, and I'd love to be surrounded by all that magic, learning it myself ... And the second ... If I were married to him, I could shag him as much as I wanted >3
Cliff: Matsumoto - by DEFAULT
She's here for no reason other than the fact that she was the only one left ... Well, and also because I'm simply not into Women. Besides - the second she went over that edge she'd be using her reitsu to stop the fall *shrug*
In other news, I started watching How I Met Your Mother last night. I just knew I'd love Barney's character. He's, wait for it, Legendary XD It amuses me to no end that Neil Patrick Harris is gay though, considering he's playing a womaniser...