Doing it again cause I feel like it...

May 25, 2011 19:55

Character's starting with ___ Meme


1. Comment with a mysterious comment of your choice.

2. I will give you a letter.

3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each.

This time, I was given H by total_alias

1. Hotaru from Sailor Moon.
Well, who didn't feel sorry for Hotaru? She was used as an experiment for her father, who gave his daughter's body to some psycho otherwordly force, and just as she manages to make a friend ... Bam! Evil otherwordly-force takes over her body and tries to destroy the world. Add to which her fellow Senshi are terrified of her awakening because it's meant to signal the end of the world... Quite frankly, I reckon Hotaru pulled the short straw as far as characters in Sailor Moon are concerned.

2. Hatori from Fruits Basket.
One word - UNF. Hatori was just ... UNF. ... Aside from that, he was yet another character that you felt invariably sorry for. Poor guy lost the love of his life because Akito's a controlling bitch terrified of losing her Jyuunishi. ... I'm just glad that he found his proper match in the end.

3. Harry Potter from - you guessed it - Harry Potter
Potter ... *sigh* I'm not sure what to say about Harry, really. He proved himself to be a whiny bitch in OotP, while being awesome at the same time. He get's highly obsessive - Something evidenced by his obsession with Draco in HBP - and he also proved that he's irrationally stubborn, that he puts his friends before himself ... I don't know. I enjoyed seeing Harry grow from the scrawny kid he used to be, to the bad-ass Harry he could be in the end, even if he turned out to be a touch emo in the end - so, I reckon he's always gonna have insecurities.
Everyone knows what Harry's been through though, so allow me to share some of my thoughts about what happens to Harry after Hogwarts:
- He'll refuse to become an Auror, even if Kingsly becomes Minister (Which I think is the most likely outcome). Harry's been used by the ministry all his life, and he's seen more danger in seven years than a full grown wizard see's in their lives. He won't want to give anyone the opportunity to use him as a puppet anymore.
- What, then, do I think Harry will do after the book's end? I think he'll become the Defensive Charms and Spells teacher (Which will be the new name of Defense against the Dark Arts) ... He showed he was a capable teacher during OotP, so I don't think it's that unlikely a possibility.
- But, I wouldn't be surprised if he did help the Auror's out during holidays and whatnot. He's gotta keep busy somehow.
- Despite what Rowling did with that joke of an Epilogue, I don't think he and Ginny will last. As far as I'm concerned, Harry is gay - or at least Bi - And I think he'll grow out of his infatuation with Ginny. Rowling's attempt at instilling his "pure love" on the readers during DH was just laughable. I didn't feel it at all, and that's why I don't think they'll last. They might last for a year or two after Hogwarts, but Ginny will also get over the Hero-Worship she has for Harry and realise she wants more out of life than being "The wife of Harry Potter" - because the Ginny I like has more ambition than Rowling gave her in the end. I suppose GinnyHarry is the IchiHime pairing for me in that world? Irrelevant thought is irrelevant.
- In all likelihood, Harry will always second guess the people who try to get close to him. He's never liked the fact that he was famous - maybe because he was raised outside of it - and I think that dislike could easily spiral into paranoia. He'll start to wonder if people trying to get close to him are simply trying to get close to the name, to the fame, not to the things that make him Harry.
- I wouldn't be surprised if Harry can't cook.
- I think Harry would be a really good Godfather to Teddy. He probably wouldn't know what to do, never having a fatherly figure of his own, and those he did have were cruelly snatched away from him ... But I think he'd be a really good Father-figure to Teddy. Actually, since both of Teddy's parents died, he might even adopt Teddy like his own son.
- When he isn't at Hogwarts ... He might stay at Grimmauld place. He'd probably rip the entire place up and redecorate from scratch ... But I think he'd consider Siruis' room off limit. A room that stays as he found it - if only as proof that Sirius did, indeed, exist.
.. I could probably list more, but I realised this is becoming less "my thoughts on Harry", and quickly progressing to "creating my own HeadCanon for Harry post-Hogwarts" ... So, moving on to the next one...

4. Hanajima from Fruits Basket
A line of Saki's that has stuck with me was "I've been wearing Black for so long that if I tried to wear colour ... I wouldn't feel like myself" Not the exact quote, but the sentiment is the same That really struck a chord with me because I feel the same. I really liked Hana-chan because she wasn't afraid to be herself, no matter what people surrounding her thought. It makes me happy that she was able to find Tohru and become comfortable in her own skin, that she no longer felt like her entire life was a sin ... And her sadistic edge just makes her all the more likable, somehow...

5. Hitsugaya Toshiro from Bleach
Ffff. Captain~ He's so cute. Such a Tsundere too. I mean, he act's all cool and like he doesn't care, but then you get those moments that just make you want to squish him to you. Eg: That time when He and Matsumoto came to stay at Orihime's and he's all "No! I don't want to come in!" but later ... "Ugh. I'm Hungry ;A;" Hee~
Plus, he's pretty easy on the eyes, even if looks to be 15

... Isn't it funny how much I'm posting now that I'm on a self-imposed exile from Tumblr? Curse you Download limit!

meme, time-wasting, procrastination

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