Title: Serpent
Artist: Yvi
Character: Jennifer Hailey
Prompt: "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it."
phoenix_gatePrograms used: GIMP 2
Size: 1024*800, 370 KB
* Screencaps:
http://www.stargatecaps.com/* Textures:
http://www.cgtextures.com/* Brushes:
http://hawksmont.com/blog/gimp-brushes-butterflies-part-i/ &
http://surfing-ant.deviantart.com/art/Floral-Brushes-41676635 &
http://hawksmont.deviantart.com/art/GIMP-Floral-I-56478361 &
http://faeryfroggy-stock.deviantart.com/art/Sparkle-Brush-Set-11194247 Thumbnail:
Artist's Notes
I haven't done much with GIMP in the past few years, so I hope this doesn't have any obvious flaws because of it. Unfortunately, Jennifer Hailey didn't have much screen time, so screencaps were a bit rare, but I worked with what I got. I also hope I managed to convey the two sides of Jennifer: the innocent, excitable girl on the left side and the strong scientist and soldier on the right. It was a lot of fun to play with this, so thanks for
phoenix_gate and whoever made that prompt for restarting my art muse :)
Comments appreciated. If anyone would like icons based on this artwork, just ask and I'd be happy to make them.