Title: Stranded by a Black Hole Artist: Yvi Characters: SG-10 and a black hole Prompt: Stranded by a Black Hole Challenge: phoenix_gate Programs used: GIMP 2 Size: 1024*800, 270 KB
Nice job! Running 'through' space really conveys of sense of being stranded in, I guess, literal infinity. And I second the love of the Boyd cap, it really adds to the overall effect :)
Thanks for commenting. That effect appeared completely incidentally at first, but I loved it so much I had to keep it.
(The original idea was to have a sort of movie strip with pictures from SG-10 overlayed on the background, but we don't ahve enough pictures of them for that)
Comments 7
Poor SG-10. :-(
(The comment has been removed)
(The original idea was to have a sort of movie strip with pictures from SG-10 overlayed on the background, but we don't ahve enough pictures of them for that)
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