[1028] Act II, Scene I

May 12, 2010 23:17

Because obviously I should be writing zombie fic instead of going to bed. A little short on action, though I hope it's more than adequate for tension. Also unbeta'd like all the rest because I'm still telling myself this is something I'll get over.

Original drabble by askerian

Act IAct II
Scene I, Sasuke
Scene I, Naruto
Scene II, Shikamaru
Scene II, Read more... )

naruto, zombies

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Comments 36

flourite_roses May 13 2010, 05:57:56 UTC
WHUT WHUT WHUT. Neji is motion sick? I get that too sometimes. Or even worse, Neji is going to turn.


phoenix_melody May 14 2010, 03:54:03 UTC
You'll have to find out~ ♥ Thanks for commenting!


flourite_roses May 14 2010, 05:24:33 UTC
ahaha, why did I expect that answer? XD okok I'll wait for you. :3


flourite_roses May 14 2010, 05:26:28 UTC
btw, forgot to say, I like that part about Sakura. I can see the angst coming through. You know, the part where Tenten talks to her and Sakura is still fiddling with the axe in an axe-murderer way. And then Tenten's all wary when Sakura answers. I ♥ that.


chromde May 13 2010, 06:00:18 UTC
"Then he fell to his knees and very messily started puking up his guts." Considering this is a zombie AU, I'm worried I should be taking that line literally. D: I'm not, am I?

Neji! I hope he's just sick from a the concussion.

I love how you handled all their interactions. The awkwardness of the lap sitting really added a touch of a realism to everything, and the fact that they're not all getting along.

Also, I totally adored the discussion about zombie plans. xD Hee!

Great addition! :D


phoenix_melody May 14 2010, 03:56:18 UTC
...no, you're not, but that made me laugh so hard. ♥ As for what's wrong with Neji, you'll have to wait for another part to see.

I enjoyed including the awkwardness and the tension--they're still teenagers, despite the zombie apocalypse.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


hiza_chan May 13 2010, 06:26:53 UTC
Oh no! I really hope he's sick just from a concussion or something. It's been so long I can't remember if there were hints about him getting bitten. Mm, I'm so glad you're still writing this! ♥


phoenix_melody May 14 2010, 03:57:16 UTC
I'm kinda glad I'm still writing it, too. It's been a nice break from stressful work-related stuff. Thanks for still reading!


rurounitriv May 13 2010, 06:36:40 UTC
Ack. I can't remember what the symptoms of zombie-sickness were.

Although considering the conversation they've been having, it could just be that what's been going on just kicked Neji in the gut and he's reacting to that.


kitty11chan May 13 2010, 06:43:52 UTC
Flu-like symptoms.


rurounitriv May 13 2010, 14:42:31 UTC
...yep, nausea would qualify there. Ack.


kitty11chan May 13 2010, 06:45:25 UTC
Concussion-sickness, most likely. He didn't get bitten, & as I recall, concussions tend to make you nauseous.


tephralynn May 13 2010, 21:23:56 UTC
Not bitten, but open wound that he's been touching and a whole lot of zombie gore flying while they were bashing heads in. I'm hoping for a concussion and the motion of the car but the possibility of zombification is there. :(


phoenix_melody May 14 2010, 04:02:06 UTC
Interesting theory. ♥ Thanks for reading and commenting!


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