Yes, I went and saw it at midnight :)
And I thought it was EPIC.
I think it followed pretty closely to the book,
but I just realized there's more that disappointed me than I thought.
It doesn't start off at the Dursley's. And they don't mention that Harry inherited the House of Black!
There's no mention of Bill and Fleur. Uhm, what??
If they didn't mention Bill and Fleur, how are they gonna show the wedding in the next one?
That's a main part in the Deathly Hallows, because the Death Eaters crash, causing Harry, Ron, and Hermione to make a quick getaway, leading them on the hunt for the horcruxes.
I want to see how they're going to make up for that in the Deathly Hallows.
And yeah, the attack on the Burrow? That was a pretty cool scene, but WHERE was that in the book?! It wasn't.
And UHG! I was SO looking forward to the whole battle scene going on in the school when Dumbledore died.
When I realized there was nothing excpet for Harry going after Snape, I was like "Are you SERIOUS?! That's IT?! No fight??"
And the Astronomy Tower! I didn't mind much that Harry wasn't Stunned under the invisibility cloak, because he was still hidden. But I did hate how Snape saw him and told him to be quiet. I also hated how before that scene, they show Snape telling Dumbledore, "Has it occured to you that I don't want to do this anymore?"
That, and Snape keeping Harry quiet, just completely gave away that he worked for Dumbledore!
And the ENDING! Omg. So lame. There was no funeral, and they didn't show the Order freaking out about how they couldn't believe Snape killed Dumbledore or how they couldn't believe Dumbledore trusted him and all that. I really wanted to see them turn on Snape.
I love him don't get me wrong! But that's supposed to add to the confusion on whether he's a good guy or not.
And they didn't mention who Fenrir Greyback was, even though he was all up in the movie.
I was kinda looking forward to Lupin saying that Greyback was the one that bit him, but nope. No mention of that whatsoever. And Draco threatening Borgin by saying that Greyback was a family friend? I really wanted to see that!
That was such a changing point for Draco...
I mean, obviously in the movie they show that he's officially a Death Eater, but to me, that's the acutal turning point...
It shows that he means business. He's going to follow through for Voldemort. So I really wanted to see that.
And I didn't understand the birds going into the Vanishing Cabinet? One coming back dead, the other alive? I didn't get that...
And the most important, the horcruxes. Guh! They skipped alot of memories..
They skipped the House of Gaunt, but I understand that, cos the only important thing in that one is Voldemort's mom and the ring. They skipped the one with Hepzibah Smith and her Hufflepuff Cup and Slytherin Locket. That was important because it helped them find out they were most likely horcruxes. They also didn't mention how Voldemort liked to collect "trophies" and only put his soul into precious objects and stuff. They didn't mention how Dumbledore got the ring, or why his hand was blackened. And they didn't go over what the rest of the horcruxes could possibly be, like they did in the book. In the book, they had a pretty good idea what the rest of them were...
I wonder how Harry's gonna know what they are in the Deathly Hallows movie?
But anyway, I still thing the movie was pretty amazing. I loved it, really.
Other than these details, I think they followed the book pretty closely.
I'm shocked David Yates pulled it off, considering how he destroyed the Order of the Phoenix.
But I think it's cos Jo is there more, now that she doesn't have the books taking up her time anymore..
Well, I loved this movie. And I DEFINITELY plan on seeing it again!