Merlin Fandom Participation Poll

Jul 18, 2010 20:10

Hee, I created a Harry Potter participation poll, so I have to make an poll for the Merlin fandom as well. Basically, I wanted to know what makes up the Merlin fandom.

So please fill up this poll, and help spread the word. :)

Poll Merlin Fandom Participation Poll

*Results from this poll will not be used for any nefarious purpose - I will tally the results and post the stats for it at a later date.
*Also, it really doesn't matter how many boxes you've ticked or not. As I said in my previous post, whether you participate or contribute to fandom in small or large ways, or if you merely exist in this corner of the webosphere, each and every one of us plays an important part in fandom.

(huey) poll, fandom: merlin

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