
May 21, 2016 13:53

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Comments 15

bererjs November 21 2013, 06:11:32 UTC
OMFG, I totally forgot about that lovely Tony/Steve art.

Maybe, you know, someday, not too in the distance future LIKE TORMORROW you'll try your hand at drawing Loki :D


phoenixacid November 21 2013, 06:13:12 UTC
Eeep, I accidentally deleting the old gallery and had to repost again. Thank goodness I have the html saved somewhere.

Ahahahaha, I might do Loki someday. NOT IN THAT WAY. Wait no... maybe in that way too. xD


bererjs November 21 2013, 06:16:52 UTC
Hahaha! Omg, if you draw him like that, you will brake hearts :D


phoenixacid November 21 2013, 06:22:09 UTC

... )


iwao November 21 2013, 07:08:53 UTC
Oh, wow! I know what I'll be doing this evening! Your art is amazing, and I had only seen a few things. Never realised you had THIS MUCH!! *rubs hands with glee*


phoenixacid November 21 2013, 07:16:09 UTC
Aww, thank you very much for liking the art! I'd suggest just sticking with the ones with hearts on the links, the rest aren't very good, lol!


iwao November 21 2013, 08:26:08 UTC
Oh, nonono!! Don't say that, if the ones you haven't marked are not very good, you are going to give me a complex and I'll never post another drawing again! They are all wonderful, only some are even more wonderful than others! Lol! Though there are lots that I can't open, don't know why, so far I have only been able to see about a third of the ones I clicked, the rest won't load! Not sure if it's my laptop or the fact that you moved the list, but I thought I'd mention it anyway in case it's the links. :P

Busy, have to keep looking! <3!


phoenixacid November 21 2013, 14:01:40 UTC
I think all artists have the same complex really; we are our own harshest critic. ;)

So don't let that stop you from sharing your own works. You have to keep at it and don't stop arting! I look forward to the day when I'm finally satisfied with all aspects of my art, and I hope you'll too!! :D


iwao November 21 2013, 09:48:04 UTC
Ok, I don't want to swamp you with comments, cos I've been looking at your art for a couple of hours now, and if I comment on every piece you are going to ban me from your journal! Lol! But I'm gushing and I'm flailing, I'm squeeing and fangirling and I just can't believe how wonderful your drawings are! I can see them all now, so it must have been my laptop. You are DA BOSS, man! LOVE!!


phoenixacid November 21 2013, 13:50:30 UTC
Comment spams are AWESOME, okay. xD

Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed my drawings - you truly made my day with your comment!! ♥ you!


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