I just got to thinking last night and realized there are tons of lines in the four FE games I've played that I just love, and that I needed a post for those. Because they're awesome. And they deserve their own post. xD
Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken / Blazing Sword
Say, could you teach me, Eliwood? Teach me how to act like a lady! ~Lyn to Eliwood, Support B
Support B:
Wil: Huh? W-Why? Nonsense. I'm normal! I might as well be Normal Archer number three!
Rath: ...Number three? Why three?
Wil: Well... No reason, I guess. It just seemed...pretty normal.
Support C:
Wallace:Ah, I was going to ask you how the knights of Caelin have been doing? Have they been following the training courses in my “Manual of Knightly Prowess”?
Lyn: Y-Yes... They’re all giving in their best. All except that one crazy course in which they’re supposed to circle the domain at top speed...
Wallace: What!? Those weak-bellied wimps! How many times did I explain: Leave out one of the drills in the manual, and the good it has done will be for naught!
Oh, great... If it isn’t Mr. “Manual of Knightly Prowess”! I mean...General Wallace! ~Wil (to himself) about Wallace, Support C
Support C:
Wil: You're...Dan, right?
Dart: Uhh, no.
Wil: Yes, you are!
Dart: No, I'm not!
Dan! I mean...not Dan... Pirate guy! Da-... Da-... Dark! ~Wil to Dart, Support B
Support C:
Wil: I was just thinking that we were probably about the same. But you’ve got this aura like you’ve seen it all... And you talk like you’re older... So maybe you are, I thought.
Raven: ...And what of it if I am?
Wil: Eh? So you are older! Ah, I shoulda shown more respect, eh?
Raven: ... ...
Wil: Very well. I shall treat you as my senior in all things henceforth! Nice to make your acquaintance, senior!
Raven: ... ...
Support B:
Raven: First, you can stop calling me “senior.”
Wil: Well then, Sir Raven?
Raven: No “sir,” either.
Wil: Eh? Yes, but age and rank are very important...
Raven: How old are you?
Wil: Seventeen, sir!
Raven: I’m 19.
Wil: Huh? I guess we aren’t that far apart after all. Whoops!
Raven: Right. So no more “seniors” and “sirs,” got it?
Wil: Yeah, but still, be it two years, a senior is a senior! And besides, I think “Senior Raven” has a nice ring to it...
Raven: ...Wil.
Wil: Fine, fine. If it’ll get you to stop scowling, I’ll talk normal.
Raven: What scowl?
Wil: That! What you’re doing right now!
Raven: ... ...This is my normal face.
Support A:
Wil: Howdy, Raven!
Raven: What is it, Master of Rudeness?
Wil: What’s that?
Raven: A name. I think it suits you.
Wil: Hey, don’t go giving me weird names like that! ...Ah...sorry, in a bad mood, sir?
Raven: ... ... What do you think?
Wil: How the heck should I-- Look, with you, Raven, it’s either “scowling” or “terrifying.”
Raven: Ah... Yet the scowl does not stop your prattle, does it?
Wil: Yeah, I mean, what if that’s just your normal face, like you say? How am I to know--you might really NOT be mad?
Raven: And if I was... really...mad?
Wil: Erm, well, yeah, that’d be frightening. But, when you’re really, really, mad, Raven... I bet you’re the type to say nothing and just cut away with your sword! So, you’re not really mad now, right?
Raven: ... ... ... Tell me... Your cluelessness... is that just an act?
Wil: ...Eh? You say something?
Raven: Ah...nothing.
Wil: You know, I just had a thought. How about “Rave”?
Raven: ...What’s a “rave”?
Wil: It’s a nickname! Yours! Like it? Rave!
Raven: ... ...You really are an idiot.
Bird! Listen to me! Find another nest!! I am a solitary warrior! A lone wolf! Fly away! Shoo! Shoo! ~Geitz (to Wilson the Bird) & Isadora, Support C
It’s not like I cared about that stupid bird or anything! In fact, I’m glad to be rid of it! Always chirping every hour of night and day... Are they even supposed to chirp at night? ~Geitz (about Wilson the Bird) to Isadora, Support A
Support B:
Lyn: I’m busy right now. I’m learning some new lunge and thrust patterns.
Hector: Yeah, I thought you were standing different. What is that lunge used for?
Lyn: They say it’s good against axemen in heavy armor.
Hector: Wait, that’s me!
Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki / Sacred Stones
No, Eirika. Do not answer now. I have not yet bested Ephraim. I have not earned the right to woo you. ~Innes to Eirika, Support A
Support C:
Kyle: What are you doing out here? Are you-- Are you painting?
Forde: No! I-- Well, yes. Actually, I'm not so much painting as sketching. I use this piece of charcoal to draw and shade, like this.
Oh, you're one to talk. When you were a baby, you were planning out strategies to take over the nursery. You were stuck up then, and you're stuck up now. And STILL the ladies liked you! ~Forde to Kyle, Support B
Cad! Beast! Pervert! Devil! I simply will NOT allow you to take advantage of me in my confused state! ~L'Arachel to Ephraim, Support B
Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki / Path of Radiance
You're like a really nice mom or something! Um... I mean... ~Boyd to Titania, Support A
I'm just being a mother cat... No matter how many times we tell you to take it easy, you're always working. I thought you might take a break if I came over and talked to you, but... I can see that you're still crazy. I'll go now. ~Ranulf to Ike, Support C
Support B:
Ranulf: Oh yeah! I love training! I'd hate to have the hardworking general Ike leave me in his dust!
Ike: That's a good attitude.
Ranulf: Um...that was a joke, Ike. I hate training.
Ranulf: On the contrary! There's a little trick we have...
Ike: What kind of trick?
Ranulf: Well, we take... Hey! You're smooth, aren't you? I almost fell for that one... Nice try, Commander!
Ike: Huh? I just asked you a question.
Ranulf: Listen, Ike. This is a secret that concerns the entire laguz species. I can't just run around telling any old beorc that I know.
Ike: Oh. I understand. I'm not that interested, anyway.
Ranulf: Wha--? Hey, now, come on! You should be more persistent! It's really interesting!
Support A:
Ike: Ranulf, what are you saying? Don't you trust me?
Ranulf: No, I do! I do. But... well, not entirely. Look, I trust you as much as any beorc, but... You know! The laguz are my brothers! It's different.
Ike: I trust you.
Ranulf: And you say it with a straight face, too. You know something? You're...
Ike: ...I'm what?
Ranulf: Dumb.
Ha! LIAR! Deceitful, lying, squinty coward! That was the very moment I marked you as my archrival! Don't pretend not to care! ~Kieran to Oscar, Support C
I may not look like it, but I'm pretty much the most dangerous mage around. ~Tormod to Sothe, Support C
Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami / Radiant Dawn
Right. Lord Ike, "hero" of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children... ~Micaiah, end of Chapter I-4
Chapter I-7; Sothe & Tormod talk:
Tormod: You! What in blazes did you do?! You scurvy traitor!
Sothe: What are you talking about?
Tormod: You grew! Too tall!
Chapter I-7; Sothe & Muarim talk:
Muarim: Oh, sorry. I guess I have to respect your manly pride now.
Sothe: Yes, please. Or something like that.
Chapter I-7; Zihark & Tormod talk:
Zihark: Polished your mage skills over the last few years, I see.
Tormod: But of course! I'll toast anyone who dares oppose me!
Zihark: Really? Well then, why don't you take on the rest of the guards while I sit back and take a break? [leaves]
Tormod: You know what I mean! Get back here and fight like you mean it! Zihark!
Chapter I-7; Zihark & Muarim talk:
Zihark: First Crimea, now Daein. Never a dull day! Still, it's good to fight with you again.
Muarim: You can say that again.
Zihark: OK. It's good to fight with you again.
They're good friends. I'm sure they'll agree to help if I ask (you mumbling creep). ~Sothe to Izuka, end of Chapter I-7
End of Chapter I-7:
Tormod: Yeah! Your old pal here is gonna take care of everything. Just try getting rid of me!
Sothe: I can only try!
End of Part I:
Sothe: Um...take care of yourselves. It's, you know, good...that you came to help us. So...um... Thanks.
Tormod: Whoa! You're thanking me? Better get ahold of yourself, Sothe. You're gonna make ME get all weepy.
Chapter IV-4:
Tormod: Much appreciated! Don't worry. We're not going anywhere! Wait a second...Ike? What happened to you, musclehead?
Muarim: It's definitely Sir Ike. But beorc growth always amazes me. It's like looking at a different person.
Tormod: Between him and Sothe, I'm starting to feel a little inadequate!
Chapter IV-4; Ike & Tormod talk:
Tormod: Holy moly! You are absolutely huge! I feel puny next to you...
Ike: That's because you are puny. Magic clearly doesn't give you much muscle tone.
Tormod: Oh...I suppose that's true. Still, it works pretty well for winning
battles. [leaves]
Ike: Actually, Tormod...
Tormod: What?
Ike: Did you actually get smaller?
Tormod: Nah, you just can't see me properly because all of your blood gets pumped to your muscles, away from your brain! [leaves]
Look... Would you mind rejoining the enemy? ~Ike to Tanas, if recruited; Chapter IV-4
Chapter IV-4; Tormod attacks Tanas:
Tormod: Hey, chunky! Apparently we didn't kill you enough last time! Time to try again!
Oliver: Yawp! Dear me! What a frightening young child.
Tormod: I am NOT a child!
Chapter IV-4; Ike attacks Tanas:
Ike: You! You're still alive?!
Oliver: The world simply could not bear to be without me. Your crude weapons have no force against true magnificence! Blessed with such beauty, I have no foes...only inferiors!
Ike: Glad to see you're still barely clinging to that last shred of sanity. Just give it up, already.
*I know I've missed a bunch of really good ones. If you know of one, let me know! =D