1. Scan my interests list. Pick out the one that seems the most odd to you and I'll explain it.
2. If you want to post this same meme on your journal, I'm not the one who's gonna think you're annoying.
Yay for being annoying!
And ... while I'm at it, I played follow-the-leader ... WEEEEEEEE
Your Love Style Is...
Come on have a little more faith in yourself. You are worthy of love and shouldn't be afraid to go for it! Don't let people of the opposite sex push you around, you are an awesome person and it's about time you realized this.
What is your Love Style? Find out at
DatingTips.ws How Love-Smart are you?
Jessica Simpson's Double!
When it comes to love you have no idea what you're doing. But don't despair learning the "love ropes" can be heaps of fun. Why not broaden your love circle and start dating more. Remember practice makes perfect.
How Love-Smart are you? Find out at
DatingTips.ws And don't bitch at me for still being up. I'm likely not going to my class tomorrow becuase I feel like shit. Okay, more like I'm going to puke, but it's still a bodily fluid I don't like to be compared to. Okay. That made no sense at all. Umm ... yea ...