(no subject)

Mar 23, 2004 20:26

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Probably tongue. Not sure.
2. Be serious or be funny?: Be funny. ^_^ But you gotta be serious sometimes
3. Gstring or thongs?: Hmm, and why do YOU wanna know? :P
4. Whole or skim milk?: Whole milk tastes better
5. Single or Taken?: That question has more traps than...than...something with a lot of traps.
6. Simple or complicated?: Why couldn't life be SIMPLE!!
7. Law or anarchy?: Hehe...we have both...
8. Flowers or angels?: Angels...
9. Grey or gray?: English or American?
10. Read or write?: ohhh....read. Because I love all of you, and your blogs. :P
11. Color or black-and-white photos?: Colour is usually better. But black and white can be cool.
12. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset! cbf getting up to see the sunrise :P
13. M&M's or Skittles?: M&Ms! Hell yeah!
14. Rap or rock?: Aaaah...rap... rock... rap... awwh I better say ROCK!!
15. Stay up late or wake up late?: Both, if possible!
16. TV or Radio?: Don't make me choose.
17. Is it POP or SODA?: soda pop?
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe?: What?
20. Eat an apple or an orange?: Apples are the lifeblood of human society! Err, lol.
21. What came first the chicken or the egg?: Egg - reptiles came first. :P
22. Hot or Cold?: Can't live without warmth...yeh...
24. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? Tall. Obviously.
25. Sun or moon?: Suuuuuun ^_^ Waaaaarm
26. Emerald or ruby?: Hey, if you're paying, I'm not picky.
28. Left or right?: Riiiiiight.
29. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: mah bestest fwend. ^_^
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: CHOCOLATE
31. High or Drunk?: Either will do nicely.
32. Green beans or carrots?: Ahaha...carrots...*cough*
33. Low fat or fat free?: Fat free, just because if you're going tasteless you might as well go the whole way :P
34. What is your biggest fear in the world?: I used to say 'being entirely alone' but I've been revising that since yr 9
36. Kids or no kids?: No kids. I wouldn't do that to the poor things.
37. Cat or dog?: Both...awwwh... Or maybe get a bitch like me :P
38. Half empty or half full?: Completely empty. Sorry, was really thirsty.
39. Mustard or ketchup?: Ewwwwh >.<
40. Hard cover books or soft cover books?: Soft cover! Lolz cos I bend them...you're probably not supposed to...
41. Newspaper or magazine?: Magazines. Cosmo. :P
42. Sandals or sneakers?: Socks. :P:P
43. Wonder or amazement?: Difference..?
44. Red car or white car?: RED
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich?: Middle. :P
46. Singing or dancing?: I can dance. (yes...) I can't sing.
47. Hugging or Kissing?: With who?
48. Corduroy or plaid?: Mmm....cords.
49. Happy or sad?: *sarcastic* No. I want to be sad for the rest of my life. Actually no, just kill me.
50. Purple or green?: Ick. Combine to make black?
51. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?: Friendship. Really really good friendship :P

Really Smiled: Saturday? Dancing does that...
Laughed: Probably today.
Cried: Proper cry? A week ago maybe...
Danced: Probably saturday :P
Were sarcastic: Just before...
Watched your favorite movie: Ages ago...I have too many...
Had a nightmare: I have bad nightmares. Wrong nightmares. I had one such a few nights ago. Blerh.

Last book you read: 1984. Needless to say, it sucked.
Last song you heard: J Wess, I think, on the radio.
Last thing you had to drink: Water... :(
Last time you showered: Coupla hours ago?
Last thing you ate: Duck.

1. Do you wear a watch: Most days.
2. How many coats and jackets do you own: Lol, I don't know! Not enough :P
3. Most expensive item you've bought: Clothing? Earth Angel shirt thing...60 bucks or something, I think...I can't remember...
4. What kind of shoes do you wear?: Thongs mainly...or sneakers

1. Do your friends 'know' you: A few of. A few are still twigging on things that happened last year.
2. How are you with your friends: At the moment...well things are weird at the moment.
3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked: Ahaha. Ahahahaha...that was a joke, right?
4. Are there people that you tell everything to: Everything? Almost everything...

1. Favorite band ever: Aaah :( I can't choose... Maybe Evvie? *clings to evanescence cd*
2. Most listened to band: At the moment...No Doubt. Or Blink 182
3. Do you find any musicians: Errr yeah dude all da time :| WTF
4. Can you play an instrument?: Piano. Violin. Haha recorder... But I'll try anything else...
5. Type of music listened to: Anything. Seriously, I mean practically anything.
6. Type never listened to: Metal, I guess. No idea.

Mood: Escapist? Is that the word? Wanting to be free from everything, another person? Yeh?
Music: Blink 182 - Dammit

I wish I could make them all understand...but there aren't the words in any language that can tell them how it feels, what all this means. And even if there were, they would never understand.

So sick of all the games we play.
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