Nov 30, 2015 19:49
So I participated in NaNoWriMo this year. I wasn't planning to -- my writing production's way down because of the (still-kinda-new) job, and I didn't even really have a big project on the horizon.
But then they cut my hours in half the last week of October, so mid-afternoon on November 1st I went "Well, what the hell." I shuffled through my mental list of half-baked fanfic ideas, picked one that seemed pretty easy in terms of probable research, and sat down to see how far I could get.
And then on the first day I met the goal of 1,667 words. And I did it again on the second day. And the third. And the fourth.
Okay, and so after that I fell behind and never got caught up again. But given that in no other year did I hit the daily wordcount even a single day, and this year I did it a total of eight times; that I also wrote over 1,000 words an additional six times, and I wrote something 25 out of the 30 days this month; and that I more than tripled my previous best NaNoWriMo word count; this NaNoWriMo I am calling a WIN with friggin' bells on.
Even better, I now have a complete first draft of the longest story I've ever written, and I think I actually mostly like it. I'm definitely still excited enough about it to begin the process of doing a thorough revision, with the hope of posting sometime before the end of the year. (Well, or maybe early next year, depending on who I can get to beta it and how productive I am on other end-of-year writing projects.)
So my totals for NaNoWriMo 2015:
Total Words: 28,240
Total Days: 25
Average Words Per Day: 941
Best Daily Word Count: 2,321
Most Days Written in a Row: 15 (the first 15 days of the month)