Title: The Story After (GINNY)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Ginny
Warnings: After re-reading DH for like the fifteenth time I was going through all my fanfic and realized I had to edit the time of day everywhere. So there are a few continuity errors. I'll fix those some other time when I 'm not so tire
Summery: Right after book seven ends. Ginny's POV.
She sat numb to everything. She couldn't feel the sun breaking through the hole in the wall on her face. She couldn't feel the salty tears that wear running down her cheek. She just sat eye in staring into nothing.
"Ginny?" said a voice from behind her. She didn't have to turn to know who it was. She just nodded. Her mother sat beside her. She leaned on her shoulder. She knew her mom needed her more than she would admit. She was being so strong. She hadn't seen her cry. She'd killed Bellatrix for her. She'd lost a son.
"I love you mum." she managed.
"I love you too Ginny." she said petting her head.
"We both do." said her father who was sitting on her other side. Ginny smiled. It felt foreign on her face. They sat like that for what seemed like hours. Someone across the hall had started clapping. They where soon joined some more people and soon the entire great hall was clapping. Ginny tore her eyes off the forest and turned to see Neville, standing in the door way, his face was burning red. Ginny stood and clapped. He walked by her and sat down about a yard away. She sat and looked back out at the forest. She wanted to run into it and never come out. She wasn't even sure of what had happened anymore. All she could think of was seeing Fred's face, frozen in an eternal smile. Seeing Pavarti run out of hospital crying about Lavender. Collin, Collin who had snuck back into the castle just like she had, but had not been so lucky.
"Oooh, look a Blibbering Humdinger!" she heard Luna shout. She turned to look at her. She was pointing at the window. She looked back out it and saw nothing. She sighed.
"Ginny." said her father from beside her. She grunted. "Harry has just disappeared."
"What?" she asked sitting up and looking at him.
"He was just sitting with Luna, is it? And now he's gone." he said still looking at Luna with a puzzled look on his face.
"Will you excuse me?" she said standing. She found her way through the great hall with ease. "Where is he?" she asked shooting a glance at where Harry had been sitting.
"Common room. It's good to see you." Luna paused for a split second "I'm sorry about your brother, Fred. But you'll always have a part of him in George."
"I'm glad you're okay Luna. Thanks" she smiled and stormed out to the stairs. She ran up them skipping two at a time. She was at Gryffindor tower in two minutes flat. She was panting when she reached the Fat Lady.
"Password?" she asked happily
"Let me in?" she answered still trying to catch her breath. The Fat Lady swung open to revile a large hole in the wall of the common room. Families where sitting around the room. People where sleeping and huddled together for heat. Ginny stood on her toes looking for Harry. She walked up to his dormitory. It was empty. She walked back down the stairs and sat in a empty chair staring into the fire. She watched it consume two logs before the portrait hole opened again. Seamus walked in with Neville. Neville smiled at Ginny as they walked to her. Neville had a group of giggling girls and a few star stuck boys fallow him in. They sat down in chairs Ginny hadn't realized had become empty. None of them said anything. Pavarti walked in not much later her face stained red. She sat with them for a moment before she blurted out. "Lavender died." she started sobbing and ran into her room.
The portrait hole opened again, this time bringing with it cheers and applause from everyone in the room. Ginny stood and walked over to Harry. She counted her steps in her mind as she got closer to his green eyes. She stopped a foot in front of him. The room hushed and everyone looked at them attentively. He stared at her. She didn't move. She went numb again. She just stared into his eyes. They where filled with pain and joy and so many more things that she was surprised he didn't explode.
"Ginny, I'm sor..." he started, She shook her head.
"It's over Harry. He's dead. I just want one thing from you, and it's not an apology."
"Next time you go off saving the world, I'm coming with you." she said. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. They both smiled and he lifted her into the air and kissed her. She kissed him back as he ran his fingers though her hair. The entire room broke out into another round of applause. Harry put her down and they both blushed. She took his hand and walked him back to the chair she had been sitting on, waiting for him. He sat down and she sat on his lap.
"I love you." he whispered into her ear. She turned to look at him
"I love you too."