(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 10:42

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1) What would instantkarma82 give eugovector for his/her birthday? something Beatles
2) Do you think fetuskiller is hot? of course
3) Are xladydx and instantkarma82 married? nope
4) Is 1ragincajun popular? yes he is wit da ladies, online anyway
5) What do you disagree with fetuskiller about? hahaha, a certain male
6) Do you have a crush on instantkarma82? nope
7) How many monkeys could eugovector fight at once and win against? more than we could ever count
8) Would 1ragincajun and akeisah make a good couple? nope
9) What do you agree with lucifersure about? That we are hot moms. go us!
10) Which president would ____fawn be likely to idolize? JFK, because of Jackie's style
11) What would you do if kandi_bomber died? Cry
12) What song/movie would you recommend to akeisah? I just thought of a bunch of gothic, victorian, romantic, industrial stuff but then thought she has seen/heard them all already
13) Which of your friends should megan51 go out with? Eugovector. Imagine that?
14) How would ____fawn kill xgizzardx? With a shoe. or smother him in her boobs. (sorry, it just came out. she has big boobs.)
15) Is instantkarma82 related to you? YES SHE IS! OMG! (gross, I said omg)
16) Does akeisah drink? blood?
17) What is ____fawn's favorite color? pink?
18) What is instantkarma82's favorite game? something online.
19) Are ____fawn and kandi_bomber going out? nope
20) When did you last call xgizzardx? never
21) If eugovector were hanging off a cliff, what would 1ragincajun do? totally rescue him. in military style. maybe with a chopper.
22) Would you set up kandi_bomber and eugovector? ew never. bad combo.
23) Do you have 1ragincajun's screenname? 1ragincajun, isn't it?
24) Did xladydx break up with you? yeah, but I am stalking her and she will take me back. oh yes. she will...
25) Is ____fawn single? nope
26) One quality you find attractive in kandi_bomber? great hair
27) Is xladydx in a relationship? yes
28) Have you flirted with xgizzardx? yes, online
29) What is instantkarma82 allergic to? studying :-)
30) Where would smashgirl most like to visit? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Canada.
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