oh shit I got bored again, so I started thinking about random shit. So this is gonna be pretty boring, so dont read it if you are in a hurry, but if you're bored do read cause you got nothing else to do right?
Ok here goes....
Does space end or does it go on forever... Some would like to think that it doesnt go on forever because it makes them feel more comfortable and safe... people for some reason have this psychological thing where they like to create boxes. Ok so what if space has an end.... well what if someone was to make there and be at the actual end of the universe and be like "I'm there! I am at the end" and actually be able to touch the end of the universe. Then they were to take dynamite or some powerful explosive.... maybe even a nukelear bomb. and blow it up against the end of the universe. Would it stretch the universe and actaully make it bigger? So basically it is the end of the universe... does that mean it is a wall that stops you from going any further cause it is the end? but then what is on the other side of that wall? I dont understand how there could be an end what is the end? does have to be an actuall wall? how else could it be end unless it were to be some sort of wall that stops you, but if there's a wall there is somthing on the other side of the wall... which makes me think that the universe does go on forever... Pretty much the only reason people ever dissagree with this is cause deep down inside the want it to end because it makes them feel more comfortably or somthing. But then you can ask how could something not end? everything we know of on this planet ends and begins... cause we live in something that is in something else. The Earth is in the milkyway galaxy or whatever... so we are use to things on our little planet begining and ending. People may also think it end just cause the can't comprehend it not ending. Sharks or Whales out in the middle of the ocean probably cant comprehend bear or raccoons out up living in the rocky mountains, but that doesnt mean they dont exist. But sharks and whales cant prove wether the exist or not cause they dont have the ability to travel to the rocky mountains by themselves... only way for them to get there would be if some higher beings like humans were to take them there in a water tank cause they need water to live and then they would see the bears and raccoons. But if or when the humans take them back to the ocean and they go and tell their friends that bears and raccoons actually do exist... do you thinks their friends will believe that some species called humans came by took them all the way ashore to the rocky mountains and back and they didnt dry up or anything... their friends aren't gonna believe them!!! those poor whales and sharks.... sometimes I feel like a whale or a shark. How often do people take those large sea animals to the rocky mountains to prove their little fish theory's. I cant think of one time that this has happened. Just like who can think of a time that some higher being like aliens or somthing took us to the end of the universe to see if there is infact an end. If an alien were to do this no one would believe the persons findings anyway....
yeah I got bored
If you read this please tell me what you think...