I'm friending you because we have a lot in common. I found you via indilime. I watch Supernatural, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Alias, I love the Harry Potter books and movies, I'm a huge Taylor Hicks fan (since his original audition) and I can't get enough of the boys of Supernatural (John included).
hi just a question i just want to ask you how you put the Friends Only section up. I couldn't find that part in the SR layout. Thanks for the help... Sorry to bother you.
Oh, I made that myself. All you do is backdate an entry with whatever picture you want as your FO banner. You're welcome to take the one I made if you want. :)
How to backdate and entry? You just change the date in the 'date' section to some time in the future. That way it stays at the top.
Hi! My name is Stephanie. I've seen you in a couple of places. So hope you don't mind that I'm friending you cuz we do have LOTS of things in common. We watch a lot of the same shows like Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Alias and Lost. Plus we also love a lot of the same actors like Dom and Brandon whom I'm sooo freakin obsessed with at the moment. lol. And we're actually using the same Superman layout which is kewl.
Hi, my name is Yvie (pronounced Evie) and I love your icons. You've got talent. I've also noticed we have quite a bit in common, so I hope you don't mind me adding you. Hope you will add me back. Take care. And awsome job with your last batch of icons.
Comments 73
How to backdate and entry? You just change the date in the 'date' section to some time in the future. That way it stays at the top.
Hope this helped. ^_^
I wanna use the Superman Return Layout but i see so many people are using it, i probably should wait a bit before using it...lol
thanks for the backdate entry thing though... *hugs u*
Liked the movie? I myself adored it saw it 3 times so far once in IMAX.
About Me - Rhianna, fandom whore, rather spammy and random.
It could be an interesting frienship.
*friends back*
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