Another Meme...Followed by RL

Apr 13, 2008 19:57

Here's another meme, swiped from mrstater

1. A body of water, smaller than a river, contained within relatively narrow banks.
A creek or a stream, depending upon which word my brain finds first, LOL.

2. What the thing you push around the grocery store is called.
Typically I call it a buggy, sometimes a cart.

3. A metal container to carry a meal in.

4. The thing that you cook bacon and eggs in.

5. The piece of furniture that seats three people.

6. The device on the outside of the house that carries rain off the roof.

7. The covered area outside a house where people sit in the evening.
Porch or a lanai, depending on whether it's screened.

8. Carbonated, sweetened, non-alcoholic beverages.
Coke or soda, depending on who I'm talking to. Back home, it's Coke for everything (after all, the stuff was invented in Georgia -- we call it all Coke). Here in Florida, you're more likely to here me call it soda.

9. A flat, round breakfast food served with syrup.

10. A long sandwich designed to be a whole meal in itself.

11. The piece of clothing worn by men at the beach.
Swim Trunks. Or, if you're (un)lucky, a Speedo.

12. Shoes worn for sports.
Tennis shoes or trainers.

13. Putting a room in order.
Straightening up, or cleaning up.

14. A flying insect that glows in the dark.
Lightning bug

15. The little insect that curls up into a ball.
Roly poly.

16. The children's playground equipment where one kid sits on one side and goes up while the other sits on the other side and goes down.

17. How do you eat your pizza?
I pick up the slice and eat it from the small corner all the way back to the crust, then I typically toss the crust out or give it to the dog.

18. What's it called when private citizens put up signs and sell their used stuff?
Garage or yard sale. Although some folks have garage sales in their yard and yard sales in their garage. Go figure.

19. What's the evening meal?

20. The thing under a house where the furnace and perhaps a rec room are?
Basement, though we don't have them in Florida.

21. What do you call the thing that you can get water out of to drink in public places?
Water fountain.

I Am: A twenty-five year old originally from Georgia, now living in the suburbs of Orlando, FL. I was also a theater major in college, and alot of my Georgia small-town regionalisms have been lost to time, speech classes, and tourists, LOL.

Things are going CRAZY around here. I'm still adjusting to the new job, as there is a pretty steep learning curve to most of what I am doing now. But things are going well in that arena. We had a posting for what we here at Disney call a Leadership Casting Call -- this is basically how we get new people into Entertainment Manager roles, which is the entry-level salaried position in Entertainment. It's a little like a stage manager role, but different because of the way we run our business here. I posted, since eventually that's the role I would like to get into, and I got my call yesterday for an interview. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me Friday afternoon. :)

So now, I'm happy because I got an interview but flipping out because I am SURE I will know half the people in the room. I work on the Staffing team, and they are the ones conducting interviews. This, BTW, has also made it very difficult to help the people on my team, as I can't be privy to any part of the process before actually going through it. GR! AND my boss is most likely going to be part of the process, so now not only do I have to worry about this interview like I would most, I have to keep reminding myself that my BOSS is going to be in there. If I screw up, that is going to suck big time. And what's worse, is everyone on my team is like, Oh, I'm not worried about you. You'll be a rock star!

That's right folks -- a rock star. What happens when I walk in there and forget every word of the English language?!

*Takes deep breath* Okay, so I know I will probably do fine. I interview really well, have never had a problem articulating my thoughts before in that situation. I have been through panel interviews, so that won't be a shocker for me. I just want this so badly and really don't want to disappoint all the people who I work with. Especially since they have all already set a high expectation for me coming into the darn thing.

Like I said, I wish the panel was comprised of perfect strangers. I think then I would be so freaked out.

So in the personal realm of things, my lease is up at the end of July, and I would rather sleep on broken glass outside in the middle of a December snowstorm (not the best analogy living in Florida, but you get the idea) than live in this place for one second more than I must. I am literally counting the days (14 weeks and 5 days, to be exact) til I can get outta here. It's in a questionable at best part of town, I have to pay 1.50 each way to get to work without sitting through abominable traffic, my third roommate doesn't know the meaning of the words "rent on time" or "clean the kitchen", and our complex SUCKS. I had a plant that needs alot of sun when we moved in last August; I put it on my doorstep since we have no balcony or patio or lanai to put it on (another thing I hate here). Well, it sat there for five months -- no notes or warnings saying we couldn't have plants outside. And one day when I got home from work, it was gone. Some jerks from maintenance had decided to CONFISCATE THE PLANT.

Now, I am an easygoing kind of person. If I had lived in the 60's I would have been a hippie -- well, without the drugs, I think. But don't mess with my plants.

So they say, well, you can't have that here. No plants that aren't approved by the complex can be here. Now, this place is primarily a vacation resort-type place (I say type because I wouldn't stay here if it was the last "resort" on earth), and their justification is to make everything look pretty and uniform for the "resort guests". Never mind the fact that we have drug deals going down in the parking lot, helicopters overhead at least once a month conducting manhunts, people driving around in their pimped out cars with the radio blaring, and people breaking into the complex at night to hang with their homeys. Oh, no! Most assuredly the worst thing going on here is my poor, innocent little plant sitting there trying to soak up some sun! It's a PLANT, for goodness sake!

Ugh. So, needless to say, I am moving in July. The place I am looking at is about the same distance from work, but with no tolls, and hopefully a nicer place. With a lanai so I can have my plants back. And my best friend who is consequently currently my roommate (the one who pays her rent and doesn't leave the living area a godawful mess) is probably here through next year, so I will more than likely be looking for a two bedroom. I was going to move downtown, because I have always wanted to live in the city, but I think if she stays we'll be looking somewhere else. I am not sure we could afford a decent two-bedroom that will let us keep the dogs downtown.

Well, I apparently had a lot to get off my chest. My apologies to my flist for having to sit through Katie's Rant. In brief, everything is going well, I have just had alot on my plate the last two weeks. I am not a huge fan of not knowing what's going to happen in the near future, and between switching apartments and The Interview, I am a bit in limbo and trying not to freak out about it. It's funny, because this is exactly where I was this time last year; I think I am handling it better than I did the first time. It helps when you've experienced it all before, and I think I've learned alot about myself in the last year that will help me sit in limbo a little more comfortably than last time.

But only a little. :)

Speaking of plants, right now Epcot is hosting the Flower and Garden Festival, which is probably one of my favorite events we do. They have vendors with all kinds of great gardening supplies and plants, great topairy displays, seminars, and a butterfly garden. It's really lovely to walk around and see all the flowers and such -- gives great ideas for gardens. My favorite part by far is the Flower Power Concert Series, where they bring in bands from the 60's-70's to perform. Some of my favorites have already swung through town -- we've been to see Paul Revere and the Raiders, Herman's Hermits (squee!) and the Grass Roots. Davy Jones will be there this weekend, and I can't wait! I grew up on 50's-60's music, so this is a thrill for me to see all these people I grew up with, even though it was twenty years later. I looked around at the Grass Roots concert on Friday and realized I was probably the youngest person who was there voluntarily, LOL.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading, if you've made it thus far. Have a good night all! :D
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