I rarely post serious stuff here but this bout of insomnia and a nagging feeling at the back of my mind had me started on something that had me bothered for a very long time
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Despite my stuffed nose (no, I did not get struck down with H1N1), I can smell that today will be one of those MYEH days. Self fulfilling prophecy or just plain clairvoyance? LOL
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Holy crap... It finally dawned on me that yesterday was my 2nd year anniversary joining the company! Time sure flies when you're being constantly pushed for deadline after deadline
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I've never been one who's a huge fan of having nothing to do. Work and chores don't count! Ok so let me rephrase that... I've never been one who's a huge fan of being bored for too long
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The excitement of the upcoming Phoenix Rockfest is building up and everyone seems just as eager. Leny and I will be going down to Miri tomorrow to scope out wierd shit that Brunei would never carry! I already know a place... *rubs hands with glee
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Because I have absolutely no idea how to post videos... TT.TT I'm posting links to youtube. ^_^ It's not the full concert but pieces which I thought were fantastic and never imagined myself to be able to do
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I shouldn't have imagined that my life would never be free from the sort of drama that would easily rival the steamiest TV series out there now
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