Chan on the gondola
Smiling for the camera.
Chan & I at
gremlinkin's and
A rest stop in Idaho
Wow! That's a big rock!
Chan at the rest stop
...and more mountains.
...and a few more.
We're in Idaho!
One more state to add to my visited states map, says Chan.
and some more mountains...but this is it for a while.
Yes, I lie.
I kind of liked this little culvert by the side of the road on the Idaho/Montana border.
A small stream running alongside the road.
Smile big for the camera,
An old tombstone at the Edwall, WA cemetary.
My Grandpa and Grandma Simpson's plot in the Edwall cemetary.
My mom's friend Patty's grandma's tombstone.
Where my Uncle Chris is buried.
The spillways at Grand Coulee Dam
Chan at the dam
Chan and I at the dam (it was that unpleasant time of day when the sun is blinding right in your eyes)
Grand Coulee
The story about the dam
The dam itself
The origins of Lake Roosevelt, named after FDR
Model generators in a scale model of the dam
Scope it out!
And water from Chan's home state...of course!
Dam artwork (sorry, I couldn't get a picture of the artwork itself, because it didn't turn out.)
Chan marvels.
Dad's homage to Adam Sandler on "SNL". Look at me! I'm crazy sweatshirt head man! I have a my head! Isn't that bizarre? Now give me some candy!!!!
The 8th Wonder of The World (well, manmade, that is.)
Woody Guthrie and "The Grand Coulee Dam".
The president (F.D.R.) had visited the dam.
My mom's Grandpa Schalock was a powder monkey when they were building the dam. She's carrying on a fine family tradition by playing with a drill they had there...and then you were supposed to imagine that 100x as powerful as it already was.
Scabrock formations near Vantage.
Scabrock and tumbleweed.
Columbia River canyon.
Pseudo monument to the Wapanum Indians. Oh yeah, and Cali, someone loves y'all.
The Columbia River canyon.
...and again.
...and again. (I love the way it looks from this angle with the scab rock and all.)
I love the rock formations.
And Chan thought this bridge was awesome. I took this from the inside of the car.
Three pictures in one.
The Columbia River.
Dual bridges.
Snowcapped mountains.
And some more snowcapped mountains.
...they're everywhere!
Beautiful unique rock formations.
Damn, we keep coming back to those mountains.
Aren't they something!
Why don't you sit for a cup of coffee, a slice of our famous cherry pie, and try to figure out who killed Laura Palmer? Actually, does anyone remember who killed Laura Palmer anyway?
Snoqualmie Falls
The Falls again.
I love it. So pretty.
The Falls - with the Samish Lodge in the background.
The Space Needle in the rain - a definitive photograph of Seattle.
Chan by the Space Needle
Seattle! Again!
Chan by a guide - we walked all the way from the Space Needle to Ivar's. His feet did mine, for that matter.
Big city.
I can't remember what this building was called, but I thought it was interesting.
Reading his atlas.
Piers 62 & 63.
Only in Seattle.
Pike Place Market.
I thought
dragons_f_wolf would like this.
My redheaded Viking at rest. (We didn't get to sleep until around 4 on Tuesday morning.)
Saying goodbye at the airport.
Leaving to catch his plane.