i never did get a tattoo. still want one- just haven't had time. we got married june 23rd. i'll have to write you an email about it. it was nice. thomas has some pictures on his myspace but i haven't messed with mine in so long. i'm fine- i just get that icky feeling sometimes. i wonder where all the spunk went and how i turned into this adult, that's what i meant. it's like someone hit me with a blah dart and made me into a bill paying, overweight, boring person who watches tv all the time. i don't want to be like that. i feel stuck with no creative outlet. and like everyone else, i want so badly to quit my job and do something i love.
Comments 16
Im friends with solo_summer aka Lauren <3
Ive added you, add me back?
You seem lovely by the comments you leave Lauren xxx
&thank you!
Thank you for adding me xx
haha i saw you on jr___nl i think. add me?
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