Are you ready to get another member card to trade? Luckily, the 02 Member Card is now here and will stay forever! This is not a limited time offer, so do take your time in getting one!
02 Member Cards are like the other member cards you have where they can only be trade for other 02 Member Cards. You also get to choose the picture you want in your card, as long as it follows the guidelines for the specific card. And, as it is still a member card, it doesn't count towards your total card count or the regular trade milestone but it does count towards your member card count, as well as the member card trading milestone.
So how do you get an 02 Member Card? It's simple! The only requirement is to master a Double/OTP Deck.
Okay, what is a Double/OTP Deck? Say you have a favourite pairing (in my case, it's Usui and Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid-sama!) and both characters in the pairing have a deck at Photographs. If you master both decks, then you pretty much just completed the main requirement to getting an 02 Member Card! The decks don't even have to be collected or mastered at the same time!
What do I do once I master a Double/OTP Deck? Come back to this post, and fill out the form below to get your 02 Member Card! Please remember though that you only get ONE 02 Member Card so you can only claim ONE pairing. Whatever pairing you claim is the pairing that will be used in your 02 Member Card. No other pairing can be used or changed after it's made so make sure that of the decks you master that the pairing you choose is one you're okay with having as the image for your member card forever!
Is there any other benefit to getting an 02 Member Card? Besides having another member card to trade and increase your member card count, thus increasing the number of trades you can make to receive milestones, when you master the decks to be elgible for this card you also get the regular mastery rewards. Eventually, there will be a general Double Deck service that works much like the First Mastery service does where you will get bonus prizes!
I'm ready to get my 02 Member Card now! Great, I'm glad to hear that! Like I said above, please fill out the form below and when providing an image for your card please make sure the image is of the pairing you're using for the member card. If it isn't, I will let you know and ask you to change it. To save the trouble, just do it from the start~
To get your own 02 Member Card, use the form below and fill it out properly!
Name: Pairing Claim: Deck 1 Mastery Proof: Deck 2 Mastery Proof: Chosen Image: Border Color?: leave blank if you don't care
The mod in charge of this service is
dearmykeysx. I know this may be confusing so if you've questions, please leave them in the QUESTIONS thread below!