
Jun 07, 2005 21:36

Alright so this is prolly going ot be the last update for awhile....like I said before I am moving and won't have the internet for a bit. I will try and give an update at work or something...if I can get on a computer.
I spent today packing...got called into work the afternoon...really should have, I need the $$ but I needed to pack more I think. ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

werd nametakenx99999 June 8 2005, 04:17:04 UTC
im visiting when i get my ass back


goalgirl997 June 12 2005, 03:26:04 UTC
I hope the move went smoothly. I am hoping to get up there soon and hang out!! <333

Good to see you the other night :)


photographthis June 13 2005, 13:43:22 UTC
things are going well thans. you as well!


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