Donations: Level Banners and Link Buttons

Feb 02, 2012 18:28

It is always nice to have more buttons available for members to link to us or affiliates to use in their sites, as well as level banners for players to use in their posts. Is there a particular character or series you'd like to see in banners? Then you can go ahead and donate them! Even if there are many sets available now, if there's still none that you'd like to use, you can make your own and share them with the rest of the community and get rewards for your hard work!

+ Each button must be EITHER 88x31 OR 100x35 in size. No bigger or smaller.
+ Each banner must be EITHER 125x80 OR 250x100 in size. No bigger or smaller.
+ They must have some sort of border.
+ Each banner must have the level name on it that corresponds to the level they represent.
+ Each link button must have the TCG name (Photographs or Photographs TCG).
+ .png format is preferred, but if you can't save it as that then any other file format is fine as well!
+ Please keep file names all in lowercase!
+ When posting your graphics, direct-link to them! Don't post them as links to other pages.
+ You can only donate graphics in the sets numbers specified in the limits, no less, no more.

Saving Your Buttons:
Please save each link button as "link_your name_00" to keep things organized.

Replace 'your name' with the name you signed up with for the TCG (not your LJ user name), and replace '00' with the number that link button is considering your total of donations. (i.e. the 1st link button you make would be 01, the 2nd would be 02, the 10th would be 10, etc.)

Saving Your Banners:
Please save each link button as "level_your name00_00" to keep things organized.

Replace 'your name' with the name you signed up with for the TCG (not your LJ user name), and replace the first '00' with the number of sets you've made so far (if it's your first set, then name it 01 and if it's your third set name it 03 and so on!). Replace the second '00' with the number code that corresponds to the level each banner represents.

Number Codes:
Level 01 → 01
Level 02 → 02
Level 03 → 03
Level 04 → 04
Level 05 → 05
Level 06 → 06
Level 07 → 07
Level 08 → 08
Level 09 → 09
Level 10 → 10

Submitting Your Donations:
Use the forms below to link us to your graphic donations!
Link Buttons
Series Featured:
Link Buttons:

Level Banners
What type of Set?: (Here specify if it's 01 to 10, 11 to 20 or 21 to 30)
Series Featured:
Level Banners:

For link buttons you get 1 Random Card for every 2 Link Buttons and for level banners you get 4 Random Cards for every 1 Set of Level Banners! If you max out your graphics donations in a month and let us know, you can also get 1 Random Camera

Now as for limits to graphic donations, they have been changed around a bit. Right now you can only donate 1 set of link buttons (6 buttons) a month and 2 sets of level banners (each set is 10 banners) a month. For level banners donations you can send any combination of level banner numbers (2 sets of the same numbers or 2 sets of different numbers).

!mod post, mod: joyce, *donations

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