Title: Five More Drabbles
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Characters: Marko, David, Dwayne, and Paul; Star and Laddie; Michael, Max, and Lucy mentioned; The Frogg Brothers and Sam indirectly mentioned.
Prompt: 003, 041, 048, 065, 067.
Author's Notes: Reposted from my old journal,
065. Passing
Rating: T.
Words: ~135.
Marko likes people watching; he's always done it, really, and he can't help the habit. He doesn't want to change, anyway. He likes people, and he likes seeing people. It's strange to describe. Marko will sit on the boardwalk and watch people clapping and dancing along with whatever band is playing, or he'll sit on the sand and watch couples giggling as they disappear into the darkness of the beach to make-out or have sex or whatever; he'll walk with the crowds, he'll flirt with cute girls and flirt with cute boys, he'll make small-talk with tourists out at night, and he'll do all of this without thinking of eating them in the end. Maybe it helps Marko feel a little more human at night, knowing that the world isn't just passing him by.
067. Snow
Rating: M.
Words: ~285.
Marko's never seen snow - he's lived in southern California for his entire life, and snow there happens every blue moon. When he told David, David's eyes had bulged out of their sockets. "What?" David asked, and Marko shrugged in embarrassment, hoping that David would forget about it.
Well, David had let it pass without hassling Marko, only some weird looks on his face for the next few days.
December rolls around and David tells Marko that he has a surprise. Marko, understandably, is skeptical of what the surprise is; this is David who, when courting Marko, had turned his Chinese into different bugs and Marko had gone running out of the hotel as fast as possible to throw up outside. His human constitution had sucked, but eating worms or maggots? Yeah, that was pretty fucked up.
What really happens is David flies Marko up north to Washington for the weekend. They stay in a hotel room, sleeping on the bed and not hanging from a ceiling for once, and come out at night. It doesn't snow that Friday, or that Saturday, and Marko's not sure why they flew up here and why David even spent any money on this at all, and David's feeling frustrated because it's not fucking snowing, but Sunday night the little flakes start to fall and layer the ground with a fine dust. Later, while Marko is giving David the most enthusiastic blowjob to date, the flakes start coming down even heavier. Marko wipes the back of his mouth while David recovers from the mind-blowing orgasm, looks out the window, and smiles this angelic smile, and David knows then that the hassle of setting everything up was worth it.
041. Shapes
Rating: E.
Words: ~150.
When Marko was little, he'd look up at the sky wherever he was, and if it was a nice day with spaces in the clouds, he'd try to pick out animals or sailboats or trains or hearts, any sort of object that the cloud could look like. It became a game with him as he'd been passed between homes like some sort of communal punching bag, moving from state to state - sometimes he'd run away and he'd spend days on nothing but dreams and hope. Rainy skies were his least favorite, probably right next to no clouds at all - he couldn't decide anymore.
It'd been years since he'd last seen clouds, but Marko still tries to pick out shapes and faces in clouds of smoke, or in the patterns on the walls of the cave, or in the sand or in whatever is around him. Old habits die hard.
003. Ends
Rating: T.
Words: ~230.
Marko thought that when he'd been turned by David, it would last that way forever. Well, change comes no matter what - and he learned that the hard way. Change when David wanted it to be more than just him and Marko, when he'd seen Paul sleeping under the boardwalk. Change when Paul fell hard for Dwayne, who'd been selling drugs to keep his shitty apartment. Change when they found the little kid, Laddie, bleeding by the ocean. Change when David met Star, and things really went to shit for Marko then. Star... Star didn't want to be a vampire, but she'd thought that maybe she did. Marko hated that, but kept his mouth shut. She was their demise in the end - attracting Michael, and Max's insistence on having Lucy for their "mother" really helped out at that.
Still, when Marko thought about death (really thought about it, not laughing it off because he didn't think it could happen to him) he never expected to be killed in his sleep in the middle of the day by three adolescent boys that didn't know what they were doing. But he hardly expected David to go after them the way he did, hissing and growling, because he'd been the first one to feel the break between them all. It was glorious to see him that way, and even through the agony, Marko died happy.
048. Diamond
Rating: E+.
Words: ~240.
Marko looks up at the sky at night to watch the stars, curled in his jean jacket covered in patches and buttons and chains and whatever else he can get his hands on. The stars sparkle like diamonds in the sky, and Marko wants to be like them. He knows that, theoretically, they're light years away and they could be dead by now but the light is still making its way to earth. They could be dead, but they've been giving off light for years longer than Marko can even comprehend. They're more eternal than diamonds, they're more eternal than vampires, they're more eternal than eternity. Until they eventually die.
Marko curls in on himself then, when he thinks about stars dying, losing their light. Sometimes they can go out with a huge bang, sometimes they just fail. The failing part is what Marko is afraid of. He hears someone dropping down next to him and knows immediately that it's one of his brothers; no one else could have been that quiet, quiet enough for him not to notice until the last moment. A quick glance tells him that it's Paul, and Marko leans his head on Paul's shoulder. Paul understands, sort of, or - well, at least, he knows that sometimes Marko gets into these moods and can't exactly snap out of it all the time. An arm curls around Marko's shoulders, tugs him closer, and Marko relaxes a little.