I need to leave for work in 10 minutes, so I'm-a do this as quick and dirty as I know how (which is probably not very quick and dirty at all):
1: Lose Weight! - Yes!
I mean, I've been keeping up with the routine described last time, so in that sense I'm doing something right.
However, I am, just as last week, still sitting at 231 pounds. Sekrit Message for Patrick: 231 pounds is decidedly 12 pounds above the 219 pounds I was supposed to have dropped to by today. On the up-side, I have biceps now! They're kinda cool. Wait. I said that last week. Whatever. It's still neat that I have muscle mass. *poke*
2: Budget and Save! - Er?
Still up in the air on this. I haven't updated my books in a few days, but I don't think I've gone outside the money my parents paid me back plus the tax return cheque plus the $60 I had set aside for this week. No unnecessarily huge purchases this time, though, so if I did go beyond, it's because I'm a sucker for things like Magic and Wendy's.
3: To-Do List! - Nope.
I'm actually doing laundry now, and I've more-or-less cleared off the computer game boxes that had piled up on my desk. (The trick was figuring out that, barring odds things like Final Fantasy VII, computer game boxes are clunky and so very unnecessary.) There's still a ton of stuff in the red zone, though.
4: Read! - Ha!
As if.
I'm almost wondering if I should be changing this goal to something more broad, like simply absorbing some kind of story-telling entertainment. I've been eating up 30 Rock for the past little while, and that doesn't make me feel like a bad person. Hrrrm...
5: Create! - Not really.
Been working with random guitar nonsense for the past little while, but nothing really concrete has come of it yet. I did, however, learn how to play most of Ten Speed, which I think is pretty cool, but that took me all of, like, five minutes. Also, it doesn't count too much for anything here.
I'm wondering now if I ought to change this goal, too, so that it's centered more around me and my guitar, since that's almost what this goal is boiling down to anyway. Or maybe I should have that as another goal altogether: Play X hours of guitar every week. Probably not a bad idea.
In other news, I think I was hit on by a cougar last night, I have no idea where I stand with Elle at all, and I am listening to the new Muse again, which means I am coming down, slowly, from my Coheed and Cambria high.
And that's all for this week. I should have left six minutes ago.