I'm back.
Where was I, you say? I don't really know anymore. As the academic year draws to a close, I'm feeling a little directionless, and for that reason I've neglected my LJ updates. I've been busy with two term papers that I've been picking at haphazardly - one on global warming and canadian Arctic sovereignty, the other on the original orchestral roles of the
theremin and
Ondes-Martenot. They're cool topics, but I'm not getting as excited about them as I normally do with my term papers. In first year, I would have been raring to go, writing papers about cargo cults in Papua New Guinea or Taoist metaphysics. But now I'm in fourth year. I've seen it all. Done it all.
And then I remember that the College of Humanities is not just any program. It was designed to show students the history and progress of Western civilization, and bring them to a final epiphany about where it's going. I don't know when, or if the epiphany will come. But hopefully, I'll be ready.
In other news. . . this past Wednesday was the most exhausting, and most fun night I've had in a long time. The Charlatan put out its first-ever student election supplement, and I was there until 2:00 a.m. helping the supplement editor, the editor-in-chief and a crew of tired copy editors to put it together.
If you find it, read it. It is thorough and pretty and thoroughly pretty. It's also possibly the first and last time I'll get to use an Ol' Dirty Bastard reference in a headline ("Finance: Baby, they've got your money"). Now, every time someone reads that page, they'll get that song stuck in their head for the rest of the day, and every time they think of it they'll be reminded of the election supplement.
Headline psychology is fun.