A survey
1-Have you ever fallen off your bed? I woke up on the floor once when I was little with a bloody nose but I don't know what I hit it on.
2-Do you sleep on the floor? If I have to.
3-Have you ever gone camping? Yuppers but I have not yet this year.
4-Do you like to play hopscotch? Yeah that's a great game but like Lauren I haven't played in a while.
5-What do you do when it rains? Usually stay in and watch movies.
6-Are you on a computer, laptop, etc.? Laptop.
7-Where are you now? My house awaiting a call from Timmy.
8-How many surveys have you done today? Just this one.
9-Whats the last movie you've seen? Garden State
10-Do you go to summer school? Nope.
11-Do you go to camp? Nope.
12-Have you ever played rugby? No I don't do sports.
13-Have you ever played basketball when it was storming? No but I think my brother has.
14-Are you a cheerleader? If I decide to get up early I will be a John's bar softball team cheerleader.
15-What's your favorite college? SUNY Albany.
16-What elementary school did you go to? P.S. 144
17-Middle School? Russell Sage JHS
18-High School? Forest Hills HS
19-College? SUNY Albany
20-Out of all of them, which mascot was your favorite? I love the UA Dane, he's the coolest no matter what Brian says!
21-Do you wear spirit wear? While at school I did, not so much anymore.
22-Do you sprint when you run? I guess
23-What are you listening to now? Days of our Lives on TV
24-What color is your cursor? black?
25-Have you ever been to a wedding? Yes and just recently the beginning of this month
26-Have you ever worked at a job? Yuppers
28-Do you take medicine? I usually wait til I can't tolerate it, unless I'm in pain.
29-Where have you been out of your country? Yup I've been to Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Canada, and I've been in the airport in Korea
30-Whats the most exotic place you've been to? The Philippines
31-Are your nails painted? yeah I just got them filled and painted.
32-Do you have makeup on? Not right now
33-Do you wear glasses? Yuppers
34-Do you know anyone that is blind? Well I know Lauren and she says she's blind
35--Do you have friends that are conceited? Yuppers
36-Have you ever planted a tree? I grew a grapefruit tree from seeds at a school project but my Dad kept it alive.
37-What's your favorite color? pink
38-Do you think you are popular? Gosh darnit! People like me!
39-Do you text people? Only Jane
40-Do you have a cell phone? Yeah and I'm trying to buy a new one but ALL the Sprint store are out of stock of the one I want =(
41-Have you ever tried counting to a million? I tried counting as high as I could once while trying to fall asleep but instead of making me sleepy it woke me up a bit so I gave up.
42-Do you read during the summer? Not usually but I want to start reading. I just don't know of any books that will keep my interest.
43-What is one thing that is turned on all the time? My brain
44-Do you have asthma? no
45-Did you ever want braces? "yes. i loved having braces. i just hated the orthodontist." Yes Lauren! and my orthodontist never gave me the color rubberbands >=(
46-Have you ever caught a firefly? Yup
47-Did you ever cut your own hair? I cut my bangs once and that was a complete mess
48-Have you been to a palace? I don't think so.
49-Do you want to be a queen/king? No I'd rather be anonymously rich.
50-What are you wearing? Camo sweatpants and pink top.
51-Have you ever roasted marshmallows? Yeah I like making them all mushy but I'm usually too impatient to I just set them on fire and blow them out.
52-Have you made a snowman before? Yeah but they never turn out good.
53-Is it snowing? Maybe in the Southern hemisphere
54-Do you have a secret handshake with someone? Nope
55.-Have you ever made paper? I don't think so but maybe.