Two things I was dreading over this weekend. No matter where, or what I was doing, I felt this emptiness.
Today I hung out with Naomi and I planned to study in her room but ended up watching Almost Famous with her. After the movie we laid in bed and talked. I complained about this nothingness and she agreed. I'm glad someone understands. I'm sure she thinks I'm weird.
I fell asleep. Woke up. She went to get coffee and I went to get energy drinks.
Headed back to my dorm and watched the rest of Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets since we fell asleep the other night watching it. Then watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy until Entourage came on. It was the premiere of the second season, but I just finished watching that on DVD since Naomi owns it.
Then watched another 2 episodes from Grey's. She left but she'll be back tomorrow for more.
I spent a good 4 hours last night watching Grey's. I wanted to finish the season so I could buy the second season. It made me sad, but it's uplifting I guess.
I just finished writing out notes for my study group. I didn't want to print it off since I wanted to know the material, so, instead, I wrote out my notes three times neatly for them to have. Tomorrow should be fun. Studying all day.
I just want to work on my projects. Why do we have to write and read.
Anyways, back to studying.