Finally, my resource post *ducks head in shame*
cdgimparimemorycharmphlourish-iconspinxess [DA] mutsie[DA] falln[DA] ivy-poison[DA] kisaragirl[DA] lilbrokenangel[DA] miss69[DA] missm[DA] sanami276[DA] scully7491[DA] triste colorfilter.netwklize Textures
indienotebook [DA] angelelf[DA] kissncontrol[DA] mutsie There's actually many more people to credit, but I didn't bookmark them D:
I'll edit this page as I download more.
I shall remember to credit.
I shall remember to credit.
I shall remember to credit.
I shall remember to credit.
I shall remember to credit.
p.s.: micchan, I'm done with your wallpaper request. I'll email you the link. I'm not going to post it until I get at least another wallpaper done (remember the 'no one wallpaper post!' rule?).