Jyan jyan jyaaa~n

Jun 13, 2010 20:17

Yeah, I've been tagged to do this meme 2 times!! XD And it was a while ago too XD
So best to do it XD

But first I want to tell you about a little happening from yesterday...
My brother came home around 1-1.30 am ish. We watched N.M.P. (he liked it but didn't think it was that awesome XD) and a little bit of Shokura. Then he said he was a bit hungry, and went to heat up a piece of bread in the micro. After a short while I hear "COME QUICK!!!!" and when I get there there is smoke welling out from the micro. He had burned whatever he was heating... First I was very scared, fire is my greatest fear. But you have to do what you have to do...
So we had to open all doors and windows we could to let the smoke out. We sat outside on the balcony until around 4 am ish.
So, yeah, I didn't sleep much tonight and the apartment still smells a bit smoke-y...

To the meme!

- Leave a comment saying 'WAAAANT!!! GIEF PLX!'
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

First I got these questions from gigabytexx :

1. What do you want to be in your future?
Well, I am after all studying professional dancing, so of course I want to be a dancer or work with dance, or culture/entertainment, in some way^^

2. How many times have you been in a relationships?
Hmm.. That's depends on what you count as relationships. I've had 4 "real" ones^^
And I've had 2 where I found out that he had another girl too in some other part of the world -.- That's the worst isn't it? I will never be that "second girl" ever again!
Then I've had a few ones where it didn't go as far as being a relationship....

3. Why do you like PINK?
Reeei, that's such a hard question!!!! I have never thought about this before XD
Well, it might be because I think it's such a pretty color^^
and pink gives off a very nice vibe doesn't it. I think the color can say very much^^

4. What kind of languages can you speak?
I only speak Swedish and English but I understand but do not speak Norwegian, Japanese and a little Spanish^^

5. Have you been travel to any other countries?
Hmm.. a few, i guess XD
All countries here in the North except Iceland. That would be... Sweden (obviously XD), Norway, Denmark and Finland^^
I have traveled through, but not stayed there a longer time, Germany and Switzerland with train/car.
Then I have been to Italy, Spain and Cyprus.
I think that's all^^

Then I got these questions from sheepyfied :

1. How did you get into JE?
Hmm, I think it was probably through friends and jdrama.
I fell in love with Jin's character in Yukan Club (you didn't expect that now did you? XD) and so started lissening to KAT-TUN.
I wasn't really interested in other JE groups back then, but I knew that they existed, but kind of ignored them XD
But one day when I was bored I decided to lissen through and watch all NEWS' PVs...
and you know where that took me XD

2. Favorite dessert?
Omg, hard!
Fruit salad perhaps... yeah I'm a fruit freak shoot me

3. What colors do you mostly wear?
The base colors of my wardrobe are pink, green, turquoise and yellow. So yeah, you can say I'm pretty colorful XD
I rarely wear black though, except when I dance, but only because you have to XD

4. Favorite time of the year? Either seasons or holidays work :D

5. Favorite Johnny's Junior? 'Cause I already know you like Koyama XDD
That's sooo hard O.O
I don't think I have a favorite XD I have bias for Tama and NiSen though XD
Gaah, I can't answer this question properly! >___<

meme, life

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