To those who wish to friend this journal...

Jun 07, 2025 21:30

Please Comment
Before Friending!As a courtesy before friending me, please leave a comment here so that I know the reason why you are adding me to your journal circle. How you found my journal etc. I am pretty open in my friending policy but I like to know how these things come about. Please don't email me about graphics outside of my posted offers ( Read more... )


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Comments 27

anonymous November 28 2010, 20:41:54 UTC
phyncke November 28 2010, 21:40:00 UTC
Thanks for the comment here and I added you back! Welcome to my world of random. LOL. I love the banner on your LJ BTW. That is super. I am an anime fan and use those types of images in my icon work and graphics work sometimes. Just great.


anonymous November 30 2010, 20:05:35 UTC
Re: Hello Jane phyncke November 30 2010, 21:12:19 UTC
Heya! the group name is sayclubsandmore -- you should be able to click that and go to the group. No need to apply to it. I will add you in as a member.

Feel free to friend me here too. Welcome to LJ land. This is where I spend a lot of my time on the web. Woot. :)


anonymous December 8 2010, 14:15:51 UTC
phyncke December 9 2010, 03:44:57 UTC
Heya - I am happy to add you back (just did) but just so you know, I very rarely post graphics on this journal. This is just for personal posts and fan fic and nonsense. So keep that in mind. If you want to find my graphics, you can see where I make on my profile page.

Cheers and welcome.


charla December 25 2010, 04:35:19 UTC
Since these are screened, I'll leave this here for you. ♥

Several friends that had a stocking got more than one icon, but I ran out of time to do my entire flist. I wanted you to have one of the extras though! ^^

... )


phyncke December 25 2010, 14:39:37 UTC
I love it! *prance* That is so cool! Thank you, darling. That made my day! :)

*huggles* I am loading that right now.


jetcas January 29 2011, 22:25:06 UTC
Jaaaaaane ( ... )


phyncke January 29 2011, 23:21:39 UTC
Aww hoo! I thought I was a casualty of your friends cut! I read your post there. I was respecting your wishes. *hugs* No problem. I will add you back right now. All fine now.


jetcas January 29 2011, 23:38:30 UTC
I appreciate SO much you being willing to respect my decision. If I would have actually meant to cut you, it means the world to me. *hugs* I'm so lucky to have you as a friend, I hope we can be friends always! ♥


phyncke January 30 2011, 00:01:34 UTC
Of course, darling. I am glad it was a mistake. Yays! I did wonder but thought that you were really cutting back due to time and all that. So I am glad we figured that out. Is your undefeated journal still active? or not? I did not know if you still keep that one up?


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