
Dec 28, 2006 21:30

Hey all,

Here I am again. I know you all missed me so much and were just sitting there asking yourselves, "I wonder why that Josh guy doesn't post anymore?" Well, I've been busy, like everyone else. I've managed to get out and see some people and that meant a lot to me. Over the last few weeks I've experienced a lot of ups and downs. The downs are sticking with me of course, but I remember the ups too, and hope to be back there soon.

The most recent stuff has been a really bad run of luck. For me, it started with the new car. I got my Grandmother's car, a 94 Mazda. This was going to be my driver for the next 5 years or so. Shouldn't have said that. Nathan and I were moving on the third day I had the car, and he backed into it, totaling the vehicle. It sucked, but it looks like the insurance company is going to give me a good chunk of change, and I'll use that to purchase a new vehicle. Just bummed me out. I know it bummed Nathan out too, which in turn, made me feel bad again.

We moved, which was great. We're now in a great house, with entertaining neighbor, and just more space to more with. I like that best about being in a house; we want to cut a hole in the wall, we do so. Nathan, Andi, Lauren and I worked on the house, and it's coming along, almost feels like home to me.

I took on a ST job with Michael, I'm an AST for the New Dream, Changeling game. I suggest you all check it out, it has been a blast! (www.Thenewdream.org) I've never STed for changeling, but I'm having a good time. It's really only been the first month, and I was super nervous this month. But I'm getting into the flow, and having a great time. I love Changeling. :) I've actually found this song that is making me want to write one more entry for Klaus, just a final entry for how his end happened. We'll see what happens. But, thanks to Lauren, I have my final Ling song, Mad World from the Donnie Darko soundtrack.

I hurt my back. This is an old injury, but it renews itself on occasion. I hurt it bad and was having a hard time walking, sitting, standing, and breathing. I couldn't do any of that without pain or the threat of falling over. So I had some really bad days in pain. I'm getting better now, but I'm still wary about it, I don't want to be hurting like that for the rest of my life. No fear, I will play football on New Years.

Nathan and I have done a lot of talking and dreaming about that game. We even got outside to throw the ball around. I think my favorite thought is CT VS, but I don't want to scare the out-of-towners. So we'll see who comes out and then make the teams accordingly. I really hope to have a good turn out, we ended up having a great time last year and this year promises to be even more fun.

This Christmas was hard. My first day off started with the info that Ashley had been in a car accident. I was nervous and hope that she's ok. She seemed to be her old self in her LJ, so I sent good vibes her way, and headed off for my parents.

We started the way I wanted to, seeing my parents on Xmas Eve's eve. It was a really low key and nice evening. We exchanged gifts, had an amazing steak dinner, and hung out and chatted. I got to see my brother, which is always nice, and got to play with Tia, his dog. I love that dog, and she's finally used to me and doesn't growl at me.

Christmas Eve was a lot of fun. I got to be Santa and not one child freaked out. There didn't seem to be enough gifts this year, but everything was so rushed that people didn't have enough time to throw things into the Santa sack. We had a nice night with the family, and headed home to rest.

The hard part was Christmas day. We had just finished opening presents in the morning, and were prepping to hit the shower and get ready for company when we got the call that Lauren's Nana had been in a car accident. I tried to stay calm under fire. It was not easy, but we made it through and so did she. I really love that woman, and was grateful to hear she was going to be ok. No seatbelt and she rolled the car over, suffering bumps and bruises. So lucky.

Lauren and I hosted Christmas dinner that night. Around 4pm we got the call that people were going to come to the house and eat. So we jumped right into the cooking, and got it done. The family showed up, all calm and sad, but they ate and went away full and happy. It was definitely a strange feeling to have the pressure of hosting, but we focused and got it done. Again we fell to sleep, moving on to the next day.

And the hits kept coming. Day after Christmas we headed up north to see Nana. She was fine and in good spirits. I walked with her out of the hospital, and she was her old self. It was great. While we were at the hospital, we got a call that Lauren's Uncle Tommy was in the hospital for a car accident. So we did the hospital tour, seeing her Nana, going to see Tommy, then we went to see Elizabeth, who had got hit in the eye and there was concern she might loose the eye.

I took Wednesday off from work so Lauren and I could hang out at home and relax. Lauren is really sick, so it was good we had the day to recover.

Today we heard that Lauren's brother was in a car accident with his boss. His boss was driving and got into the accident. I know Eric is ok, but freaking out.


My friend is pregnant! I won't say her name, so I don't ruin her surprise in case she hasn't told everyone. I was really excited, but shocked, since the last time I talked to her she was of the option of never having children. I'm glad to see that changed as I know she will be a great mother.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone in one place and giving out the gifts I've picked up for everyone. I hope people like the choices, amongst other things, this has been a poor time of the year, and we've had to go smaller than I wanted with some gifts. But we tried.

I'm good, moving along and trying to just keep things good. Only one more day till the weekend and relaxation. :) I hope to see you this weekend. Until then, have a SAFE and happy New Year. Next I post will probably be in the New Year.

Be good,

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