ok, it's time to go back to the once in a blue moon posts again....

Jan 08, 2005 19:17

1)i'm alive
2)i'm ok.... ish..... we'll get to that one laters....
3)i'm moved!
4)i have no space what so ever in my new place
5)i will not forget to do da pics.

wow... it's like... the 8th!
so much has changed in the past few weeks, and i don't know if it's all for the best or the worst. i won't go into it all here. most of the people who read this jornal know what's going on in my circle of friends.

the move to torquay has gone ok. there was a hell of a fight when i reminded ceri that all the kitchen stuff was mine, emma and becky joined in, and i was very intimidated, mainly because, as i hope you all know by now, i'm the most un-guy like guy i know.
the kitchen war shook me up pretty bad, so i avoided going back for a day and did 2 runs in one. on the last run the most unexpected thing happened.... ceri apologised for everything that had happened, broke down and cried. we hugged a while and i made her promise that she would take better care of herself, then emma apologised too and hugged me. i think that if it wasn't for the fact that i had arranged to go out with kyuu and orca, i'd have been very sad that night. so thanks guys!

back to uni in a few days... i think i'm looking forward to it! if it means that some aspect of regular life returns, then i'll be most happy.

i'm thinking of people. i don't need to say their names cos they know who they are, and i'd rather not write about other people's lives here because they are not my lives to talk about. they are my friends tho' and i do care for them all. i'm only a call away if ever i'm needed for anything, friendly ear, shoulder to cry on, cup of sugar....

well, i'll try update again some time in the near future, but with uni looming.... well.... you can guess what i'm gonna say, not much personal time, especialy if i need to get a job.

keep safe
keep sane
keep smiling

-your friendly neighbourhood phyrestar. now in torquay flavour.
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