Title: Reconnexion
Author: Ian Anon (
Summary: On assignment for The Daily Prophet, Colin bumps into an old school flame... with surprising results. Now, if only he could get past the Gatekeeper Twins!
Warnings: None, really. Harry/Colin pre-slash. Smut-free (sorry)
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Colin; Fred/Hrry/George (implied), Fred, George
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Comments 8
"Bother bother bother bother."
"Rabble rabble rabble rabble." dead... as in d.e.a.d. witty banter indeed.
Harry has obviously come 'out' of his shell, so to speak. :D You're description of him... *fans oneself* no wonder Colin wants him.
but without a doubt my favourite bit:
"We don't mind a little boy-on-boy rough housing," George continued.
"After all, we engaged in our own--"
"at Hogwarts whenever Angelina or Katie were being..."
"To say the least," Fred mumbled with a pout.
"Oh, I know," Colin said through gritted teeth. "Dennis sends his regards, by the way."
Uncomfortable silence.
The tears are still rolling down my cheeks as I write this and I can't whipe the smile of my face. Dennis, who knew? Obviously while Colin was enamoured with teh boy-who-is-sex-on-legs, Dennis was getting himself a bit alone time with teh twins... twice as nice and full of spice :D
The question remains, does Harry get the shag of his ( ... )
you already know this!
thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked the Dennis touch. I have an idea about an incest fic between the two... but, i dunno... i'm thinking maybe a Colin-7thyear/Dennis-5thyear... but i wonder if they'd still be tossing each other off by that age.
i'm thinking aloud right now... better stop.
but thanks for reading. I love love love Harry/Colin... and I wish there were more fics too that didn't have Creepy Colin or Obsessed Colin (as if boys don't grow up at all) or even unrequitted love Colin.
thanks for reading! i, too, consider Harry/Colin my OTP, if i had to chose one... altho' the Marcus/Oliver tends to also come to the top.
You should check out the Colin & Pansy story, it's unrequitted Harry/Colin (unfortunately), but i rather like it as a character piece for Colin.
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