CHARACTER NAME: Naoto Shirogane
Backtagging: Yes! I'm all for back tagging!
Threadhopping: I would like a warning from any threadhoppers please.
Fourthwalling: You may proceed with your fourth walling!
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Totally fine with anything.
Hugging this character: It's fine, but depending on your relationship with her, the reaction will be different.
Kissing this character: Go for it, but she might slap on reflex unless she knows you really well.
Flirting with this character: Yes, but she might not notice.
Fighting with this character: I love fights!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Depends on the fight and/or situation. I don't care how severe her injuries get. If you're going for the kill, please read below.
Killing this character: PM/AIM/MSN me if you really want to. Don't go killing until we have a proper discussion.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Yamato-Takeru's in her head and might interfere, but she can't prevent it otherwise.
Warnings: This will require permission. Naoto is a Reverse Trap meaning she's a girl who dresses and behaves mostly like a boy. It includes binding her chest, deepening her voice, speaking with masculine pronouns, and holds herself in a certain way. Unfamiliar with Persona 4? Well, quick summary about Naoto: She's very insecure about dressing/acting like a girl since she's been raised as a detective and finds herself much more comfortable being a gentleman; not to say relationships are out of the question with boys or girls (yes, she attracts girls with her deception). We can start anything if you feel like it later, but you gotta work for it!
Your character may notice she looks feminine/is short/has an odd voice for a boy if you want (even ask if her balls dropped though that'll get a very deadpan stare), but please ask for permission before calling her out. Also, if you think your character can actually see through the ploy and will be like 'HO SHI-- A GIRL'... please comment here too. Characters can eventually find out one way or another (IE accidental posts, bath houses, etc). If you would like to plot something around that, again, contact me and we can arrange something. Thank you!