Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 21, 2007 21:15

For reasons I am under secrecy about, I got a copy of the book yesterday at 6:48 pm, read over 200 pages last night, and then passed out. Then I read all day and finished the book at about 6:48pm. I would usually take my time reading it, but it seemed so important to read it before someone gave it away.

The first attack scene with the Harry Potter doubles was INSANE. It was all happening so fast and I was like WTF THEY KILLED HEDWIG! That was a low blow. I was so sad that the she died. I had to re-read it a couple times to make sure I hadn't misinterpreted.

Is it horrible that I was more upset about George getting injured than Mad-Eye dying? Maybe it was how blood was repeatedly described. It made it more real and horrifying. I liked George's saintlike/holey joke, though =)

I thought the middle of the book dragged a bit, and didn't find the scenes at the ministry too exciting. Even Godric's Hollow scenes were a little disorienting when I was trying to figure out what just happened (though I shed a tear or two when he visited his parents' graves). I think Ron coming back was the best thing that could have happened. It seemed to help keep the book moving. I liked that he showed the Potterwatch radio station as well.

The Malfoy Mansion chapter seemed very unnecessary to me at the time, but I suppose in the end it helped explain all the wandlore, and of course led to my first real crying after Dobby died. I thought Harry digging the grave himself made it much more poignant.

Again it felt slow with all the Gringotts business to me despite all the action. You knew they couldn't die then, so I was like ok, escape and move on.

Once they returned to Hogwarts, I was immediately sucked in. I loved how so many people came back to fight and really showed their courage. Neville turned into quite a bad ass with that sword. I was sad to see Lupin and Tonks die since it seemed to echo Harry's fate as a baby. I wish they had mentioned more about Harry being Teddy's godfather, because I think that bond would have been really important to him (reference Harry's love for Sirius).

I thought the epilogue was a little too cheesy. I felt like I was reading fan fiction instead of JK Rowling's book. It would have been nice for the epilogue to have been a little more deep than just yay, we have kids! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad it ended more happily than I expected, but maybe explaining how more characters ended up would have been nice.

The Prince's Tale is definetely the best chapter. I was a "Snape is good" person, and I had supported those who thought he fell in love with Lily (though I did not think of this theory myself). But the way the chapter played out everything was amazing, and when Harry tells Voldemort how Snape loved his mom and was kind of proud of that fact was a nice touch.

Kreacher's change of heart was endearing and I liked that he led a charge of elves in the end.

I don't really understand how Harry died and came back. That didn't really make much sense to me. Someone can explain it if they can.

I thought the book was very heavy on Dumbledore background. At some points I wasn't sure if I was reading Harry Potter or a Dumbledore biography. While I see why his background was important, it wasn't necessarily my favorite part of the book.

I liked Narcissa's lie. The Malfoys seem in their switching sides to protect themselves to actually do good occasionally.

Mrs. Weasley finishing off Bellatrix was awesome. I can't believe she called her a bitch......

Fred dying was really sad, but not too much attention seemed to be paid to it. We don't know how George ended up in the epilogue either. I know he survived, but I'd like to know if he was able to be happy without Fred.

That is all the commentary I have for now, though I might add more as I think of it.
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