
Sep 10, 2010 18:52

Savannah has a huge gay community -- it also has a huge Irish community, which makes me wonder how often the two overlap -- and every year since 2000 a Pride festival's been held downtown. I attended once about six years ago when a friend's roommate invited me to tag along with him. It was a really great experience with cool vendors (can you say " ( Read more... )

savannah, oh yeah this is awesome, this entry is fucking great, ho-lee crap, family

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Comments 5

collectingme September 11 2010, 02:42:15 UTC
Aw, that's awesome. :) It's always good to have your parents' support no matter what. But when they really go the extra step, and want to experience whatever it is with you - well that's just a kick ass feeling.

Hope you guys have a good time! Wish I could be there, too. Boo!


pianotheme September 14 2010, 17:06:09 UTC
We ended up not going, actually. It was just way too hot and started raining cats and dogs early in the afternoon, but I told my mom it was enough that she wanted to support me; and there's always Pride fest next year. :)


indilwen September 11 2010, 19:40:39 UTC
You have an awesome mom :)

Also, Sister Hazel ftw! A friend of mine who passed away when I was in high school used to sing that song all the time, and it makes me really happy every time I hear it.


pianotheme September 14 2010, 17:09:03 UTC
My condolences about your friend, but it's nice the song makes you smile. It's one of the more underrated songs of the 90s, I think!


incoh September 19 2010, 01:15:31 UTC
Sounds like your mom is pretty awesome ♥ I hope you had/have fun!


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