(no subject)

Aug 15, 2015 19:11

This week we learnt that Matt's dad's cancer is incurable. Well, I've deleted several sentences here. There's not much else to say about it.

I've had the rest of this post written for a few weeks and was planning on adding to it. But I'll post it now and be done with it.


Willow is now two. TWO! Frankly, this is horrifying. I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Anyway, what's she up to these days? Good question, me!

Language acquisition continues very gradually. By a combination of pointing, sign language and her limited repertoire of sounds, Willow generally manages to make herself understood. Recognisable word noises are:

dada = daddy
momma = mummy
mi-ull = milk
mawn = more
I-wan = I want
buh = bus, book, poo, bird, blue, boat, bath
baa-ooo = ball, bowl, bike
gaaaarrrr = car, cake
ca = cat, sheep
door = door, outside, window (this is her best word)
dar = star
wawa = River, grandma, granny, grandad, any pensioner
ha = hat, house, hand, hot
meeel! = delicious puddings, fruit, biscuits, etc (because I tend to say "who wants pudding?" and everyone shouts "MEEEE". I don't know why she's put an L on the end of it though)
bee = bee, ant, moth, ladybird, butterfly, pea, bead
baba = baby, girl, boy, doll, man, woman, people generally
moon-buh = motorbike (we just had the TT Races so she's seen a lot of motorbikes recently)
gone = gone
habba = happy
owull = owl
hool = hole, hold
armmm = arm
eye = eye
wuh = warm, water, walk, wall, wood
mmm-mmm-MMMM = food (I think because we all make appreciative noises while eating)
uh-oh = oh dear!
coh-oo = cow, cold
heeer = hair
gog-gok = clock
hamm = ham
day-zhee = daisy
how = house
ah-ee = alice
go = go

She's adding new words every day. All very exciting.

She's really good at inventing signs, and generally picks up signs after seeing us use them once. So it's mostly okay. Sometimes she'll be telling us really long, dramatic stories, and we'll have no idea what she's talking about. It's very endearing.

Unlike River, who only really got into small world play when she was well past 3 years old, Willow has for some time been filling various toys with life. Small wooden people (just painted solid colours, no faces etc) are lovingly nurtured, breastfed, chatted to. Panda, Alice, Daisy and Baba are cuddled, taken on outings, shown various things of interest. She will talk to them at length and then speak for them in a gentle, high-pitched voice. She clearly loves them.

She's so close to being done with nappies -- all without really any guidance or interference from us.

For a month or so she was sleeping for hours and hours at night, but that's mostly stopped since she turned 2. Hey-ho. I enjoyed my unbroken nights while I had them.

Her love of music continues unabated -- nothing captures her interest so much as seeing/hearing someone making live music.

She can be very challenging, sulky, fierce, loving, forgiving, funny, loud, quiet, your basic two-year-old.


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